Capricorn Horoscope for March 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for March 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Capricorn, when your own self-development is very much on the line, almost to the exclusion of any other priority. In a way this makes sense, because what comes first in any case is that you have a place to stand to be branching out from, a solid base that is undeniably your own. Everything else, including professional and relationship commitments, flows from this. Also Mercury is currently retrograding through your communication sector, indicating that, rather than reaching out, your attention is focused on interior matters, including curiosity regarding inner wounding and other features of your inner world. You have for many months been dealing with a strong transformational impulse that has dramatically changed your entire sense of who you are. After the 16th you are entering into yet another phase of this long-term developmental cycle. The second half of the month, punctuated by the Aries New Moon of March 24th, sees you through to a distinct shift into a more grounded state of being.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March begins with an emphasis on your self-expression. The world wants to hear your opinion, and you could be prompted to talk more than you are used to. Exchanges of all kinds have been a theme recently with many opportunities to generate creative ideas with others.

It has been a busy year so far for Capricorns and the month of March will be no exception. Venus in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn on March 2nd and highlighting some tension in your relationships. There could be a serious tone permeating these few days with a need to compromise or revise the terms of an agreement. Don’t shy away from serious conversations that are needed at this time. The mood will start to lighten up considerably on March 4th with Venus entering the sensual sign of Taurus. Your relationship will feel more grounded while Venus travels here in the next month. Mercury moves back into Aquarius on the same day shifting your attention from your communications to your finances. How those two areas of your life are linked together might get clarified later this month.

On March 9th, the Full Moon in Virgo brings a culmination in the realm of education/academia, travel, and mind-expanding experiences. You may start to see the fruits of your labor in connection with a learning journey. It’s an inspiring time of the month that could feel both nerve-racking and exciting as you get a glimpse of everything left to learn. The Sun and Neptune opposing the Full Moon in Virgo shows that it might take some time before you are able to translate what you have learned into words. It’s one thing to learn new ideas, and skills, but it’s another thing altogether to put them into practice. With Mercury stationing direct later on the same day, things should start to click into gear over the next few weeks.

The pace of things continues to be busy and productive between March 10th and March 19th as you try to fulfill your many obligations. This should be a pleasant process as the Sun in Pisces is in a supportive sextile to Capricorn. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for the support you need. You could find extra information in the process that sparks new ideas.

The Sun enters the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries on March 19th signalling the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. With the Aries ingress your attention will start to shift to your base of operations. With spring in the air you might have big plans for renovations, gardening or even relocation. Mars conjoins Jupiter in Capricorn on the 19th and the 20th, bringing a wave of self-confidence to your long-term vision. You might feel daring and it could be a good time to seize the bull by the horns with things that have felt stagnant for you lately. Take this opportunity to move forward and concretize a project, or say yes to a bold idea. Since pragmatism is your forte there is little chance of actually going overboard. However, you might feel so energized by your ideas that anything standing in the way could get pulverized. Try to be mindful of others as you reach for the top.

On March 21st your ruler Saturn enters Aquarius until July when it moves back into Capricorn. Saturn officially ingress into the sign of the Water Bearer only in December and thus ultimately shifts the narratives in your life considerably. For the last two years you have been undergoing tests and lessons in connection with authority figures, or with your sense of your own authority. The teachings brought on by Saturn are initially difficult. Feeling blocked by circumstances and weighted down by your burdens, you might have felt forced to a standstill. However with time and perspective these lessons become essential to our growth. They can help us refine who we are and get closer to who we are meant to be. Saturn in Capricorn for the last two years has forced you to get to the core of some of your fears. You should now be feeling a lot clearer about your needs and your sense of self. Saturn in Aquarius for the next several months will give you a glimpse of the themes to come over the course of the next two years. With your confidence increasing, your desire for autonomy will increase also. Saturn in Aquarius for the next two years will push you to find more financial autonomy, and you might even start your own business.

The New Moon in Aries on March 24th takes place in your base of operations, also symbolizing your dwelling space, and home and family concerns. A wind of change is blowing, and you could feel ready for an alteration of scenery. It’s a good time to set intentions around your domestic life. You will likely be working hard in the next year to concretize big dreams in that part of your life.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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