Capricorn Horoscope for November 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another difficult month for you, Capricorn, considering the evolutionary pressure that remains upon you, and is still growing. With your ruler, Saturn, in close conjunction all year with transformational Pluto, climaxing as 2020 ends, there has been tremendous underground desire that you let go of those parts of yourself that are hindering your forward developmental movement. You are currently focused on career and profession, and their associated accolades, accentuated after mid-month. Inner intuitional intelligences are also growing in strength and pertinence; these represent your deepest principles and values, and must be heeded if you are to find true peace. The urge is strong for safely keeping to the status quo, symbolized by Saturn, so that denial is one option. However, revolutionary Uranus is also prominent in this November timing, representing a powerful factor urging for experiment and radical change. This Trickster energy is potent as well. You might want to recognize that between Saturn and Uranus there is no real contest; Uranus will win out in the end.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A dynamic Full Moon in Taurus illuminated the skies of October 31st. For you Capricorn it sent electrifying currents through your self-expression channels prompting you to get out of your comfort zone, and follow your creative urges. You have a need at this time to be authentic, and to let that express itself as it may. Being a Capricorn means you sometimes have the habit of being your worst critic. This momentum towards more liberated forms of expressions should not be taken for granted. A fresh energy continues to blow through your life after many years of hard self-actualizing work. Inspiration is a gift that keeps on giving when you allow it to flow. This is an eye-opening realization that carries much needed liberating energies into your life.

Your career direction is on your mind at the beginning of November while Venus transits Libra and Mercury prepares to station direct also in Libra. The sign of Libra sitting at the top of your chart means that career and profession become a huge focus for this first half of the month. In general, with your outer world manifestation, you bring your sharp sense of aesthetics to the world, combined with a powerful sense of ethics. What is right and what is wrong is continually weighed in your scales. Your desire to support justice and equality in the society you find your place within is another important guiding principle. You are finding that when you do this with charm and grace, others willingly embrace your opinion on weighty matters. 

Venus in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries at the beginning of November brings up some of your inherent vulnerabilities. Your desire to be loved may be overriding your usual reserved demeanor and you may be forced to explore what is driving your ambitions. This period of introspection may be due to the fact that you are gaining more visibility. Mercury stationing direct in Libra on the 3rd can help you clarify your message and polish your image.

Mercury squares Saturn in Capricorn from the beginning of November all the way to the 7th, and you may be prompted to revise something from a month ago. This aspect could be related to your self-image and how you project yourself into the world. You may be feeling a polarizing need to speak up, and find that you censure yourself simultaneously. Mercury square Saturn could bring a tendency to see things in a pessimist lens, so be sure to keep that in mind during this first week of the month. You may be the only one who sees faults, where they are no as bad as you think.

Venus in Libra opposes Mars retrograde in Aries on the 9th bringing your passions to the surface. This can be a creative aspect as long as you keep a reign on your need to be right. You may feel a sense of righteousness that is hard to contain. Keep in mind that you may have an emotional filter distorting the reality of a situation. Mars stations direct in Aries on the 13th highlighting powerful urges that lay just under the surface of your awareness. You may be feeling a renewed sense of purpose these days that is hard to contain. You may also have no patience for people who stand in your way as your inner warrior awakens to the injustice of the world.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on November 14th continues to arouse your desire for power in a big way. Harmony might be one of your guiding principles, but your inner scales could be swinging wildly right now.

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives late evening of the 14th, or early morning on November 15th, carrying all your powers into your community, and arousing your sense of belonging. Your desire for meaningful connectivity can not be underestimated. You could be feeling a need to weave yourself deeper with a certain group of people. You could have the urge to defend and protect a marginalized community with whom you share similar experiences. This may represent a powerful time of connection to like-minded individuals, people who resonate with you at a core level.

Venus leaves the gracious sign of Libra on the 21st of November to enter the deep waters of Scorpio. On the same day, the Sun enters the Mutable Fires of Sagittarius where it will travel until December 21st. These two ingresses will bring a significant shift as you progress into the month. Venus in Scorpio continues to bring opportunities to connect to like-minded people while the Sun in Sagittarius illuminates the soul-sector of your chart. Hidden features of your psyche might come to light.

A period of introspection is indicated in the following weeks as you find your footing amidst the sea-change. You could be re-evaluating certain motivations or ideologies that have lost their meaning for you. There might be some confusion or misunderstandings that needs clarifications. Mercury still transiting in Scorpio until the end of the month could bring a multitude of dialogues in your social sphere. You may however find yourself fatigued by the constant streams of debates saturating the world.

The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini, early morning of November 30th, is your cue to tend to your well-being, and start being more selective about the information you consume. Give yourself permission to disengage socially and to find the quiet space you need. 

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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