Capricorn Horoscope for September 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you, Capricorn, continuing your ongoing major series of transformative experiences, involving trials and triumphs, in your developmental transition toward a greater understanding of yourself at all levels. This has a lot to do with sensing unconscious process within you, and bringing these hidden factors to greater conscious awareness, along the lines of what noted 20th century psychologist C. G. Jung termed “the process of Individuation.” This increasingly involves depth researches into yourself by means of meditation, by paying attention to intuition that comes to you unbidden, and, as well, in terms of achieving greater intimacy in relationship with close partners. This month you are also quite involved in exploring new channels of your creativity as a way to embrace different and perhaps neglected parts of yourself. You are seeking to discover and act upon your truest values and guiding principles, what really makes you tick. In the end, you will stop at nothing to get to the alignment that you seek, uncovering the most authentic version of yourself that you can muster.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

September begins with a Full Moon that represents a culmination of the lunation cycle that began with a Leo New Moon from two weeks ago, in mid-August, that exactly aspected your ruler, Saturn, in your sign. This was likely a significant event for you, stimulating questions and concerns about self-image and identity. You might be making great strides on personal evolution lately or attempting to figure out where you are actually heading, in these difficult times. The late evening of September 1st brings the Pisces Full Moon, and your centers of communication, curiosity and learning are stimulated. This represents a time of integration, and could bring clarity and insight to a recent journey of discovery. You may feel ready to apply many of the ideas that have been swirling around in your mind. It could be time to start applying what you’ve been learning. You have never been so ready. Of course there is always more to learn and master but you’ve likely reached a certain level of mastery and you shouldn’t doubt your skills.

Simultaneously, the Full Moon might actually illuminate a saturation point regarding the level of information that you are able to ingest. If so, it might be a good time to step away from social media and the constant stream of news. You may actually be more sensitive than usual to so much incoming information, and it could be wise to unplug for a few days.

A partner may also ask for a new level of commitment, while Venus in Cancer opposing your ruler Saturn in your sign in the timing of the Full Moon. There could be an opportunity to deepen a bond of partnership if you feel so inclined. Or you may be so busy with your own schedule that someone close to you needs reassurance.

Mercury enters Libra on the 5th, for the rest of the month, emphasizing your career aspirations. It could feel as if there is nothing stopping you at this time. You also might feel like you need a break from your own ambitious nature at times, but with Saturn emphasized in your sign until the end of the year, you may not know how to do that.

On September 9th, Mars in Aries stations retrograde in your home sector and will only be moving direct again by mid-November. The next two months therefore bring an emphasis on your home base, and you could be seeking adjustments and realignment, or actively looking to relocate. Where you want to put down roots is on your mind but this may not be compatible with your career goals. Mars retrograde represents a period of re-orientations and questions regarding where you want to be in this world, and where you call home.

Positive developments are possible towards the 12th when Jupiter stations direct in your sign. Some things may be gaining momentum, and you could feel a renewed sense of optimism. The Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on the 14th, and Saturn on the 16th, prompting you to take calculated risks. Deliberate actions are more efficient than impulsive moves but sometimes you have to take a chance. The emphasis on Earth signs at the moment is playing in your favor. You have the opportunity to grow, and gain some traction without too much effort. You already did all the heavy lifting in the last two years. It’s only a matter of applying what you already know.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th finds you recommitting to a long-term goal or starting on learning or teaching journeys. This is another quite potent New Moon and fresh start for you in terms of all your endeavors. There are likely to be surprising changes and startling new ideas in the area of your creative self-expression. Mercury in Libra squaring Jupiter in Capricorn at the time of the New Moon shows that you are very excited about all aspects of your current development. Mercury in Libra is in your vocational sector, linking career with knowledge. This fresh cycle may bring you closer to a cherished career path.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd signalling the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun in Libra continues to bring attention to your place in the world, your career aspirations, and your vocational journey.

Mercury in Libra squares your ruler, Saturn, in Capricorn on the 22nd to the 24th and opposes Mars retrograde in Aries on the 24th, representing a very busy time for members of your sign. You may have to split your attention in multiple places if you want to get everything done. Tension is indicated, especially because you might have to contend with roadblocks or work requiring extra efforts.

Mercury enters Scorpio on the 27th bringing a new focus to your community. Mercury will station retrograde in Scorpio by mid-October and you may already start noticing themes coming up in connection with certain groups of people that you consider yourself part of.

Your ruling planet Saturn stations direct in your sign late on the 28th, while squaring Mars retrograde in Aries. You may be pushed to make a decision or it could be that your current momentum becomes thwarted by something outside of your control. Regardless of what transpires at the end of the month, Saturn moving direct will bring a freshly supportive influence for what you are trying to build.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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