Capricorn Horoscope for January 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of personal growth for you, Capricorn, a time of rapid metamorphosis to cap off previous weeks and months of change, as you seize the day in this new and more promising year. You have come through an interesting winter solstice of continued transformation over the previous ten days. This in particular includes inner areas deep within your psyche, that you can barely get a glimpse of when restricted to your conscious mentality. Relationship is also an important mirror for you as January continues to unfold, at least up to the dramatic New Moon in your sign on the 12th, followed by Moon’s First Quarter a week later – on the 20th – when your self-expression flourishes in novel and unexpected ways. The connection that you make between inner and outer is vital as you mull over who and what you really are. Your identity is admittedly vaster than you otherwise might have considered. This inner work is a vital piece of what you must navigate in order to get where you are going with respect to your own ultimate transformation; you therefore head into a new stage of your existence forearmed and better prepared.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Capricorn and cheers to the resilience you have built during a difficult 2020! The Sun is currently transiting in your sign along with Mercury, which brings a stimulating influence to kick start 2021. You could be feeling revitalized and ready to face the future with all your might.

Venus is still transiting near the South Node in Sagittarius at the beginning of the month helping you shed a lot of old misconceptions about love and self-worth. A profound revitalizing process was set in motion with the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in mid-December which may have triggered greater lucidity surrounding inner narratives. A process related to letting go of unconscious behaviors that undermines your confidence is well underway.

Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on the 1st, and this can help you get inspired for a creative project. Mercury conjunct Pluto on the 4th brings depth to your conversation and may help you clarify your intentions for the year ahead. You may be more persuasive right now which can help you convince the right people and it could be a good time to market yourself and your work. Mars enters Taurus on the 6th after a six-month transit in Aries. Mars in Taurus until March 4th is in a supportive trine with your sign which means its martial influence can be beneficial. Steady growth is possible at the beginning of the year especially when it comes to your personal project.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th and joins Saturn and Jupiter already transiting here. Your finances is an area of your life that comes into focus for the year ahead. You have the ability to bring a solid reform to that part of your life. Saturn in Aquarius until 2023 may be your cue to get serious about your long term financial goals. 

Venus entering Capricorn on the same day for the rest of the month can boost your confidence and give you a greater appreciation for music, art and well made objects. Venus trines Mars on the second weekend of the month could be an excellent time for a romantic date or to get creative.

The first New Moon of the year occurs in your sign on the 12th, in conjunction with Pluto, therefore carrying a powerful incentive to shed lingering fears, and to increase your consciousness surrounding what you might be able to regard as your true identity. This is a potent juncture for you and for your process of growth; not only the beginning of a new year, it's also the beginning of a fresh cycle in connection with who you want to be in the world. Your powers are increasing along with your ability to change your reality, and align it with your visions of a better future. Saturn in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus at the time of this New Moon and you can take this to mean that a lot of the work lies ahead, and might be connected to making a creative project go, or become more lucrative. Aligning your passions and your income could be a driving factor that you need. You will want to get behind your intentions at the beginning of this year. The Sun entering Aquarius on the 19th kicks things into gear and can help you take concrete steps towards a goal. 

Mars conjunct Uranus on the 20th may bring exciting ideas and inspiration. You may also feel a financial pressure in the second half of the month. On one hand you are inspired by a project but on the other hand you may not be willing to take a huge financial risk. You may need to balance your restlessness and your need for novelty with a good dose of planning; when you do you will get there.

The Full Moon this month occurs in Leo on the 28th highlighting your intimate partnerships and more extensively your business contracts and collaborative alliances. Issues of self and other could dominate as you reference your creative projects with partnership and with your emerging sense of your values. You may be getting positive feedback from someone who believes in your work, or there could be financial backing that becomes available for you. You may become aware of possible resources you hadn’t thought about. Your desire to gain financial independence could be strong in 2021. However, this Full Moon also illuminates the stability that comes from other people’s resources and contribution. What binds you to others for better or for worse comes to the forefront, perhaps to help you delineate a clearer trajectory. If you are part of a team, you may become aware of the need to strike a balance between your personal goals and the goals of the group. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn the day of the Full Moon speaks of self-esteem and the need for validation. Your desires can have a powerful edge at this time, making you less likely to want to compromise. You are also feeling serious about what you want which can help you get ahead.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th for the next three weeks emphasizing reviewing and realigning your income. This Mercury Retrograde could help you get clearer about your financial goals for the year ahead. It also may be your opportunity to clarify your aims in general for 2021. 

What does 2021 have in store for you?

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