Capricorn Horoscope for November 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your transformation of your sense of your identity is far from over, Capricorn, although your process has recently been going through different stages. The Mercury Retrograde period having taken place all last month, when you take the two-week retrograde shadow into account, you have been reviewing and potentially revising your place in the world. In this you have been placing a certain degree of emphasis upon inner versus outer concerns. You are at base striving to bring private principles and deeply held values into better alignment with your actions, even when these actions are business-related. There is a way that what you love can share the spotlight with what is practical for monetary gain, as your “two eyes make one in sight,” to quote Robert Frost on the matter. As you look forward in this aftermath of the questioning of your aims and professional tactics, you are looking far beyond your usual habitual patterns in terms of where you are willing to place your investment of time, energy, and resources. This most assuredly involves your career choices and, as well, your creativity.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Mercury’s extended stay in Libra for the past two months, in retrograde for the entirety of October – taking the two weeks of Mercury’s retrograde shadow into account – means you have been quite busy lately thinking about your career and where you want to take it. This has been in many ways an introspective previous monthly cycle; one in which you have been reviewing, questioning, and potentially revising your ideas regarding your work in the outer world, possibly looking to create a closer fit with your deepest inner principles, as you can come to understand these. Mercury comes into a supportive trine with Jupiter in Aquarius at the beginning of the month which may help you see a broader trajectory when it comes to your work and the opportunities in the current month for expansion that might be presenting themselves.

November really gets rolling with the Scorpio New Moon of November 4th, taking place in the sector of your chart that relates to your aspirations and more extensively your participation in society or with a specific community. This is the beginning of a new cycle, when seeds are being planted. Because rebel planet Uranus in Taurus sits in perfect opposition to this New Moon it augurs a time of innovation and surprise developments. Perhaps you will yield to a burning desire to break away from the herd and follow your own creative impulses. One of the things that might be keeping you from going your own way could be of a financial nature. Saturn in Aquarius, corresponding to your resources sector is more or less squaring this New Moon implying there is a lot to take into consideration before you can liberate yourself from some of your more weighty responsibilities. Mercury enters Scorpio on the 5th, bringing greater thoughtfulness to future plans and goals.

On the 5th also, Venus enters your sign where she will be transiting for an exceptionally long time, until March 2022, due to her moving retrograde in late December lasting for most of January. Venus is thus in Capricorn for the next seventeen weeks and for the latter part of this period, in January and February you will have time to assess how you feel about yourself, your overall direction, your emerging desires and take stock of the changes that have occurred within you in the recent years. You may not be able to get everything that you want immediately, however Venus in Capricorn until early March will clarify a lot of what feels uncertain right now. Also, for the first week of the month, Mercury sextile to Venus as they both enter new signs augurs increased charm and positive connections with others.

Things get a bit tricker around the 9th and 10th when Mercury conjuncts Mars in Scorpio while they both come into a tense square with Saturn. Communications with others could feel forceful or loaded and it may be harder to come to an understanding. There is a ton of energy to tackle a recurring issue however it may still require efforts and careful deliberations which could lead to impatience or frustrating delays. You might need to try a different tactic altogether before a solution emerges and it should get easier. A sequence of interesting aspects mid-month could bring exciting new opportunities or perspectives.

The Sun also trines Neptune on the 11th and 12th, and squares Jupiter on the 15th, spelling out big ideas and inspiring insights while Mars opposing Uranus from the 16th to the 18th brings much of the same. Things that are stagnating could become a lot more obvious leading up to the Full Moon.

The Taurus Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, increasing the intensity of this potent juncture. For example, a desire to evolve out of a stale scenario could feel pressing which may also force you to come up with innovative solutions. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus could bring significant breakthroughs in the following days or at least a different approach to getting what you want. Venus in your sign is supported by Uranus in Taurus leading up to the third weekend of the month, from the 18th to the 20th, which could lead to positive breakthroughs in regard to your personal projects. Changing your outlook or focusing on what makes you happy at this time could help you progress.

The Sun enters the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius on the 21st corresponding to your sector of dream imagination and inner work. Mercury, not far from the Sun, enters this sector on the 24th. The next thirty days could highlight your need to step away from your busy schedule in order to return to your personal truth. Your ideas about the world and what you need to be happy could be shifting and it may be a good time to take a break if that’s available. Give yourself permission to have fun without any particular agenda.

The last seven days of November, therefore, brings favorable insights to you especially if you take the time to look inward. You may feel ready to change your attitude and let go of things that have been bothering you. The last few days of the month could be especially constructive as Mercury and Saturn come into a helpful aspect with each other. The month of November carries innovative signatures that can be applied to your personal projects. The more you prioritize pleasure and what you love this month, the easier it will be to deal with its more stressful aspects.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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