Capricorn Horoscope for April 2022

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a very inner-oriented time; all the traditional planets in the Aries New Moon from the 1st are located below your chart’s horizon line. This implies that, while issues of evolving identity continue to be a strong focus, this month is mostly all about getting more comfortable with what is going on below the level of conscious awareness, inside you. The home and family sector of your chart – which Sun, Moon, Chiron, and Mercury occupy in the New Moon – can also reference issues of your dwelling space, current household, or family of origin. With Chiron involved, the residue of unresolved childhood trauma could also come up for you as inner wounding. If so, this can be an opportunity rather than a difficulty. It is very valuable attending to these walled-off hurt parts of yourself. The extremely potent Full Moon of April 16th is a particularly strong moment for you in this way. Only by getting to know yourself in these dark and hidden places within you can you move toward healing and more total integration leading to your authentic Self.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

From the very beginning of the month, you are likely feeling the influence of the powerful New Moon that is taking place in your home and family sector, and therefore close to your inner self, psychologically. You may also find that your family scene is quite busy this month in one way or another, with this powerful collection of five planets, counting Chiron and Eris, located there. With Chiron involved, you might expect some degree of angst surrounding these issues, or perhaps a return to ancient trauma from your early childhood still seeking resolution. It is actually tremendously healing to make contact with the cast-off lost and hurt parts of yourself that are seeking closer contact with the rest of your psyche. Eris speaks of a spiritual warrior energy in connection with your inner work, which after all does take a degree of courage to tackle. All through April and the thirty-day lunation cycle of this dynamic New Moon, these themes might become more the norm than the exception.

When, on April 4th and 5th, Mars conjuncts your ruler, Saturn, in your sector of values and resources, you might feel renewed energy for some kind of financial dealings or other resource endeavors. You are also more aware of how your values tie in with your deepest sense of yourself.

Venus also changes signs during these early days of April, entering Pisces on the 5th, and you might feel a touch of relationship potential, possibly romantic. Another reading of this aspect is that more green energy available for cherished projects could suddenly swim into view.

From the 7th to the 16th, Jupiter is conjoining Neptune in Pisces further implying optimistic assessments for writing and learning, enhancing your communicative outreach. You might need to beware of overly idealized enthusiasm for your own ideas, leading to some level of confusion, or maybe the creative boost for mental process that you get will be just right.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Full Moon lights up your career sector, landing there opposite the Sun which still remains in what is sometimes glibly termed your root cellar, or the sector of your chart representing the psychological base of your personality. This Full Moon lunation represents a culmination of what you have been imagining and doing inner work on, linking public and private operations to the benefit of both. It is perhaps the most important revelation of this revelatory month that your inner and your outer are not at all distinct but merely different sides of the same person; your most authentic self. Integrating these two sides is a worthy enterprise that will take you far. With Mercury conjunct Uranus and aspected by Venus, you might additionally feel a new level of inspiration in your creative work.

On April 19th, the Sun enters the sign of Taurus, joining Mercury and Uranus already there, indicating a further shift in the energy of self-expression, in favor of renewed inspiration.

A week later on, as the month draws near its close, from the 27th to the 29th Venus in Pisces conjuncts first Neptune and then Jupiter. This brings more communicative enthusiasm and a touch of turbulence, and also brings you work in the world into the equation of what you are trying for on a conceptual level. You might have some excellent ideas about what you are up to in the outer world, and its possible future. You are arriving at this point having come through the changes of this very interesting monthly cycle and might well feel a lasting connection between wheat you do out in the world and what you most sincerely believe, deep within you, to be true. Because Pluto in your sign is simultaneously stationing to retrograde motion, and is more greatly emphasized thereby, you are also strongly feeling the evolutionary pull to be yourself at all costs, as much as you can determine exactly who that is, or might become.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus that closes out the month on its last day represents another powerful lunation for you, highlighting once again your self-expression. With Uranus nearby, there will likely be a plethora of ideas to explore and enact, with an emphasis again on what you most deeply subscribe to. Eclipses are said to last in their effects for up to six months, so that you will want to pay close attention to where this next month of May might be leading you.

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