Capricorn Horoscope for February 2022

Capricorn Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have before you, Capricorn, yet another transformational month when you are blessed with choices and creative innovation, and when information comes rocketing into your awareness. This is a time when many things become more clear, provided that you are paying attention. Surprising events will yield uncomon enlightenment. Important relationships in your life contribute to your evolving future plans, while inner work feeds outer world presence and accomplishment. As the Venus and Mercury retrogrades subside, in this late winter timing, you are in one way entirely self-involved. This is a Good Thing, because you are threby attending to what you must, recognizing that what you are put upon this earth for is that you are enabled to grow in undersanding of who you really are. For this, also note that inner work is essential if you are to move forward into intergration and wholeness. As for your career choices, you win when you let your conscious be your guide. With the climactic Full Moon of February 16th, self and other, inner and outer, private realizations and public acheivement all come together and rearrange themselves for the better.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aquarius at the very beginning of February signals a fresh cycle in the part of your chart that relates to your resources and your sense of self-worth. You have worked extensively on these matters for the last several years and you should be sitting in a pretty good place to set some realistic yet ambitious goals. Your ruling planet Saturn is conjunct the New Moon, auguring a period of strategy and assessment in connection with your income and your resources. This month brings a lot of traction for ideas that have recently been emerging. It’s a good opportunity to set realistic goals, especially around autonomy and self-sufficiency so you can eventually have more time to do what you want. The New Moon squares Uranus, which highlights the innovative ideas that you’ve been keeping in your back pocket. It could be time to brainstorm and come up with a plan to actualize some of your inspired visions. The projects or ideas that you initiate in February might require hard work to take off initially, although you have everything on your side to succeed.

A few days after the New Moon, on the 3rd, Mercury stations direct in your sign, promising clarity and forward motion eventually to come. Negotiations that had come to a halt more recently could speed up or get resolved in the following weeks as the messenger planet slowly regains its lost zodiacal ground while now moving ahead. Mars in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Pisces brings a lot of ideas and opportunities for growth.

The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 8th could bring up an ongoing tension around a financial situation or limited resources. Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn from the 10th to the 11th could lead to obsessive thinking but you may also be able to get to the bottom of a situation or get an answer for something that’s been dragging on for too long.

You could be picking up on future trends as the North Node in Taurus comes into a trine with Pluto in Capricorn on the second weekend of February. Something important may be taking place at this time that allows you to have greater faith in yourself and continue moving in your chosen direction.

Mercury re-enters Aquarius, corresponding to your resources sector, on the 14th. This is where it was transiting at the beginning of January. You may have recently been preoccupied with a complicated financial scenario without knowing exactly where things were heading, and this February timing could bring greater clarity to the situation.

The Full Moon in Leo takes place on the 16th, and this could also announce a process being finally ready to culminate.

Venus and Mars are conjoined in your sign for the second half of February beginning on the 14th, and are featured in this Full Moon. Their close conjunction is magical and lasts throughout February, and beyond. You can watch them rise together at dawn before the Sun in the eastern horizon. This conjunction is an important point of integration for you, when the unification of your will and your desires allows you to go after what you want more directly.

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th highlighting your communication sector for the next month and signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus at this time augurs a creative period for your personal projects when you should have a lot of ideas. You might be pleasantly surprised by the new possibilities that emerge when you give free reign to your imagination.

The last full week of February brings a lot of enthusiasm and perhaps a propensity to speculate. Mars and Venus in Capricorn remain closely conjunct and come into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. and it could feel easier to share some of your ideas and visions with others. It might not be a great influence for work that requires a practical outlook and rational thinking but it’s an excellent time to let your creative and innovative spirit take the wheel.

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