A Full Moon Time for Learning

A Full Moon Time for Learning

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

With Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon we reach the second of the pair of late fall eclipses, with the one feeding off the other. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes in threes, as the Sun and Moon flirt with the nodal points in the Moon's orbit, those imaginary and mystical poles that represent the line of coincidence between the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the Moon's orbit around the Earth. In modern Western astrology, the Moon's nodes represent sensitive points in your chart. According to the school of Evolutionary Astrology, and most Western practice, the South Node carries the meaning of who you were in past lifetimes, while the North Node represents where you are heading in this lifetime - an unfamiliar area that you must somehow learn the intricacies of in order that your soul purpose destiny is fulfilled.

The Full Moon time also represents a fulfillment of the promise of the New Moon, and an eclipse New Moon is more powerful and longer lasting; effects can be seen over at least a six-month period. Therefore the Scorpio moment of the November 13th New Moon represents an important area of your chart; either your Solar Chart (the basis of Sun Sign columns) or your chart with its actual rising sign. Wherever the 22nd degree of Scorpio might fall in either chart format, it would be an excellent idea for you to pay close attention to and to witness your growth, or your obstacles to growth, in this area of your life. Now, with the culmination of the Gemini Full Moon eclipse, the pair of opposite signs Sagittarius and Gemini are invoked, as the next stage in the unfolding of the ideas incubated at the time of the New Moon two weeks ago. These signs are all about learning and growing through increasing knowledge of ourselves, so that we are back in the school of life once more in order that we better understand our actual experience.

It is significant as well that this extra-powerful Full Moon energy pulls in all the outer planets, and that these have a lot to do with spiritual evolution in the broadest possible terms. The Sun and Moon light up Uranus by trine and sextile, Neptune by square, plus Pluto and also Saturn by semi-sextile and quincunx. Saturn is in sextile with Pluto at very nearly the same degree of compatible signs, with Saturn in Pluto's sign of Scorpio while Pluto resides in Saturn's sign of Capricorn. These each make a quincunx to the Lunar Eclipse Moon, a configuration known as a Yod, or "finger of God." The Sun in opposition is also of course a factor, creating what is technically called a 'Kite pattern.' Simultaneously, Venus and Mars help out by being respectively conjunct Saturn and Pluto. To top it off, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter while Saturn is parallel as well as sextile to Pluto. This is an extremely potent configuration, and echoes once again the slumbering Uranus-Pluto square (which is scheduled to come roaring back in the spring of 2013) and at this momentary late fall time with Saturn a strong component. The intellectually curious sign of Gemini, the transformational sign of Scorpio and as well as the universal signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn are strongly emphasized.

So wherever these four signs land in your chart, you are now faced with issues to deal with, and to reflect upon, for these next six months. Saturn with Pluto means that some basically unwilling structure has to change. This could be the structure of your life itself, or some part of that structure that no longer fits with what you aspire to in terms of your soul's intention. Sagittarius implies that learning and new understanding are intimately involved in this intention of yours to change, based on re-framing the events of the past year or even of the past two weeks. This need not be dire; learning is fun. There is implicit joy as well as pain in letting go of the factors in your life that no longer serve you. However this is not the time to hide your head in the sand, any longer, but rather to raise it up.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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