The Trying Tension of the First Quarter Moon

The Trying Tension of the First Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The First Quarter Moon, taking place early on Thursday morning, traditionally marks a time of increased tension and a phase of difficulty in putting our goal kick across the line. This is a time when, on the highway to the fulfillment of our New Moon desire, the rubber truly meets the road; when we get to see the drawbacks and the limitations to our schemes and dreams, and when the seed idea that looked so good in its abstract perfection must be tested, tried and potentially adjusted in the heat of actual circumstance. With this particular quarter moon, each side of the equation is remarkably strong. In this case the configuration involves Mars in conjunction with the Sun, giving us plenty of contentious go power, and also involves an amplification of the disruptive factor of limiting Saturn in contrasting aspect with trickster Uranus, symbolizing both pushing forward and holding back from our original vision.

This is also a period when the urge for relationship is strong, now heralded by the entrance a couple of days back of Venus into its own sign of Taurus. As the pattern of tension represented by this quarter moon perfects, Venus strongly sextiles dreamy Neptune, bringing idealism, as well as the urgency of Mars, to love affairs and partnership activities, while simultaneously closing in on an opposition aspect to the resistance represented by Saturn. At the same time, Mercury begins to closely conjunct the trickster energy of Uranus. The next few days are interesting, as Mercury, the messenger of the gods, symbolizing communication and mental function, merges with the startling enlightenment of Uranus on Saturday, April 20th. Our thoughts radiate out in all directions toward an exciting but uncertain landing place.

By Monday, which is also Earth Day, Venus exactly opposes Saturn, representing practical limitations. It therefore becomes more difficult, and also more lasting, to pledge connection to each other. Over the course of these next few days, a value is placed on limitation itself, as meaningfully embodied in the collective focus of Earth Day for the inherent limits involved with mankind's extended exploitation of the Earth's resources.

The pressure to move forward with our own inner evolutionary agenda becomes intense as well over these next four weeks, as Uranus and Pluto are closing also on their dynamic aspect with each other, in recognizable closeness of intensity, within 2 degrees, as they head toward perfect fulfillment next month. They come into their exact square on Monday May 20th.

Thursday's First Quarter Moon contains some very appropriate markers for our era. As the Sun and Moon collide in their own twice-monthly square, this time at the endings of the Cardinal signs of Aries and Cancer, the Sabian symbols of their pause for recognition are significant, at the 29th degree of their respective signs. For the Sun "A celestial choir, singing" and for the Moon "A muse weighing new-born twins on golden scales" to which Marc Edmond Jones gave the keyword Value — as he identifies this symbol with "effectiveness of judgment irrespective of momentary contradictions on every hand."

The trials and the adjustments to our relationships, and to ourselves, that this crossroads represents are stimulating and also a test of our moral fiber. We are likely to become naturally more aware of where we shine and where, indeed, we are stuck. And this knowledge, like a dual sword, can be difficult and yet also help us to grow in experience, understanding and character. May we be weighed by our higher selves according to our best intentions and not found wanting in the heat of the moment that we now inhabit, we dwellers on the very cusp of massive change.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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