A New Moon to Dream On

A New Moon to Dream On

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Saturday's New Moon in Gemini brings all the cleverness and curiosity of that sign to the fore, with however the caveat that Neptune is also mightily activated, just having stationed and placed in a grand trine with Venus and Saturn, so that thinking as well as simple relating can be a bit nebulous and difficult to define or to attempt to pin down by means of mere logic.

Since Mercury rules Gemini and is therefore another important element in this lunation and, indeed, for this month's astrology in general, it is important to recognize that it is found also in Cancer, square to Uranus and in opposition to Pluto. The intellect that we bring so prominently to the table right now is full of surprise enlightenment and is a deep and penetrating one, well suited for gathering clues, summoning up ideas and for expounding on them. Along with the Venus placement, this Mercury in Water is helpful in coming to a better sense of expressing the feeling-tone of whatever is currently motivating us to action.

This New Moon is also conjunct Jupiter in late Gemini, with the Sun in parallel, so that there is a notable strain of optimism in the air as well. The grand trine in Water also lends itself to optimism, with the Saturn portion of that pattern pulling for depression and a sense of limitation, but with the stronger Neptune side of the equation opting for escape from anything dire through optimistic idealism or just plain fantasy. It is certainly an interesting mix of cosmic energies that swirl around us now, intellectual but with a stirring of powerful emotions, and with the ability to let our soul and spirit fly; an opening for finding a way forward where before there was none.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon in this 19th degree of Gemini is quite interesting: "A large archaic volume" which Marc Edmond Jones equates with "the ultimate indestructibility of experience" and "a real sense of obligation to [one's] own roots." Rudhyar references "seed ideas by which the human mind grows." Remembering that we are collectively gazing ahead of ourselves toward the heights to which we may ultimately aspire as a species, together with the current outer planet prominence, this symbol conveys the notion of the stimulation of our ancient future to lead us onward, and still onward, into the novel reality that awaits us, both culturally and individually, at the end of this particular rainbow.

There will be illusions to contend with and false starts, perhaps many, as we continue to seek the way around or through the cultural trap that we currently find ourselves in; but each step forward is a new and hopeful beginning, toward a beautiful, and ideal, although not impossible, dream.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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