An Intensely Thoughtful Last Quarter Moon

An Intensely Thoughtful Last Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday evening's Last Quarter Moon comes along at a very interesting time, just as Mercury's retrograde gets fully underway, and symbolizing much the same tone of inner awareness and reflective meditation. We are looking back mentally now, as much as forward, attempting to understand the events that have taken place over the three weeks of the lunar cycle thus far, hoping to have a better take on where our lives are heading by the time of the New Moon a week or so hence. Actually the New Moon takes place on Monday, July 8th, in mid-Cancer. At this time of the year, the Sun has reached that sign, and is currently in the 9th degree since about that many days have passed since the Summer Solstice.

This puts the Sun directly across the zodiac from Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon in the 9th degree of Aries, near Uranus, therefore makes, along with the Sun, a T-square to Pluto, bringing back at least a touch of the Uranus-Pluto square, which has been more or less in remission these last few weeks. That important aspect comes roaring back in the fall for yet another close encounter, the fourth of seven such exact hits, which takes place on November 1st.

As world events continue to demonstrate, we are thus living through some entirely fraught times. The lessons from this period will continue to resonate down through the years to come, and hopefully will contribute to nourish what is being planted in this pivotal decade; the seed of a better and more cooperative way to treat the planet and ourselves. In our individual lives as well, the kernel is being planted, and we can choose to nurture it or to ignore it until the pressure of life events makes ignoring impossible.

In addition to the heavyweight energies of Uranus and Pluto, at this important juncture of thoughtful inner contemplation we find also that Neptune and Saturn are highlighted. Their trine is close to exact right now, and continues through July within half a degree. All through next month, various planetary alignments of grand trine are created to these by the Sun, Jupiter and Mars. One of the earliest is activated at the time of this Quarter Moon. In this configuration, the Sun/Jupiter midpoint, at 4:45 of Cancer, the 5th degree, matches the degree and minute of Saturn in Scorpio almost exactly.

The Sabian symbol for the 5th degree of Cancer is a bit dire: "An automobile wrecked by a train." Remember that these are symbolic! Marc Edmond Jones has for this degree "a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience," and this idea relates well to this time period and to this decade, in both collective and individual realms of thought. The symbol for Saturn in the 5th degree of Scorpio is: "A massive, rocky shore" or as Jones has it "stabilization." This symbol very well applies to Saturn's role. Finally, for Neptune, in Pisces, the symbol is "Officers on dress parade" and the keyword is DISCIPLINE; to this we might add, it being Neptune, "spiritual discipline." There is a way that we can bring deep insight up from our unconscious so that our every act can become aligned with both our conscious will, and that of our soul's intention also. It is important however to distinguish this kind of discipline and intention from mere ego.

With all the outer planets so stimulated, this is an amazing and a thoughtful time; a time to listen well to the inner voice that always tells us true, when we can tune in. And once we have done so, and felt our way into the heart of our situation, why then we can let everything else go, surrendering to the support of the cosmos, resting confident that we have at least done the best that we can do.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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