A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday's Full Moon is yet another in the series of potent Full Moon configurations that have been happening around the end of every month. They have been taking place in the first ten degrees of their respective signs, bringing those signs into prominence and aspecting also the outer planets at similar degrees of Aries (Uranus); Scorpio (Saturn); Capricorn (Pluto); and Pisces (Neptune and Chiron). It is these signs that have also been hardest hit lately with the powerful currents of outer planet archetypes, although all signs, and all individuals, are vitally affected.

The Full Moon phase in any case represents a reaching out for balance, and for relationship, and in the case of this Libra Full Moon, this is especially so. Also the Sun exactly conjuncts Venus, again symbolizing issues that predominate of self and other. The Sun is also in close conjunction with Uranus, with Mars nearby, so that surprises are more than likely, as well as the potential for startling news, perhaps even accidents. Involuntary actions or reactivity might well have unintended consequences. We are also currently more sensitive to feeling hurt by our closest associations, since Jupiter is in perfect square right now with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, while Saturn remains in aspect to both and Pluto sextiles Saturn and Chiron, creating a close Yod formation focused on Jupiter. Finally, this Full Moon makes a T-square to Pluto, bringing into highlight the radically revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square, indicating personal and societal transformation, ever present now and reaching out for another crescendo by mid-May.

In terms of relationship, with Venus as well as Sun and Moon in square with transformative Pluto, we are looking ahead to a better take on our interpersonal connections with each other, attempting to find a more productive relational future ahead of us than we have managed thus far, both individually and culturally. The details will obviously vary greatly for each person, but in general we are intent on discovering the deeper meaning of what we say and do to each other as we go through the pangs of connection, attempted connection in the face of our fears of rejection, and moves toward isolation in response to these same fears, or in reaction to perceived rebuff. It is vital now to try to be as clear as we can possibly be with each other, whether in friendship or in the context of intimacy. The unintended insult can be extremely painful and difficult to make right, so that our words assume even more importance, and it pays to choose them carefully. On the other side of the hurt, we might also want to engage in a reality check before reacting -- "did you really mean this by what you said, because that is the way that I heard it."

It helps to recognize as well, that we are never angry with someone for the reason that we think we are. If we can catch ourselves, take a deep breath or a personally imposed time-out, and reflect on our own inner wounding that might be the ultimate causal factor in our upset, we will be better off. And if the time-out involves leaving the scene it is also more than helpful to indicate when you intend on coming back. These are some of the techniques and strategies that can make it easier to get through these times of great intensity in which we are now engaged. The good news is that, as the prominence of Saturn demonstrates, we are all learning.

The concept of learning and growth in awareness brings us back to the real purpose of what we are going through, that we might become better human beings as a result of our choices during these intense times and move forward with the personal evolution that we can tune into intuitionally within our innermost hearts. Rather than fleeing or ducking our issues, we win when we face them head-on with as much courage as we can muster. Then, although we cannot avoid some painful experiences, we can make the most of them.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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