The Darkly Magical Last Quarter Moon

The Darkly Magical Last Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Thursday's Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius, coming along a week after the intense Lunar Eclipse of April 25th, represents a final phase that is typically a contemplative reassessment of everything that has come before it within the lunar cycle that is winding down. This gives us the chance to look back and recognize themes, perhaps assigning a more inclusive meaning to events that have transpired the light of recent realizations. In this moment of meditative pause, this particular configuration is aided by the prominence of Saturn, residing in the Western Hemisphere of the chart alone, apart from all the other planets, and thus greatly strengthened. Saturn is exactly opposite Mars and was also involved in the recent eclipse, being conjuncted by the eclipse Moon. Saturn is restrictive and limiting, yet also makes for additional focus and more concerted attention.

Being of the earth plane, Saturn offsets the effect of nebulous Neptune, expressing most directly in music, poetry and dance, which all through May it more and more closely trines. With Neptune we enjoy the most exhilarating hit of what lies beyond the physical, scaling the heights of idealism and fantasy. Therefore we have contrasting energies that are now coming to life through the minor tension of this Sun-Moon square, a push-pull for either more magical otherworldly attitude, or much less.

It is important of course to recognize that the planets in their simultaneously appropriate symbolic positions do not cause human behavior, any more than the struggles and the breakthrough moments of life here on earth cause the planets to move. It is like a tapestry of threads all woven together, through time. This operates from what Jung called the principle of synchronicity, which he termed an acausal, yet meaningful, connection. Rather than as a causal factor in earthly events, you might enjoy thinking of astrology as more like a barometer; which, although reflecting the weather, does not actually cause it.

In the current mix of archetypal energies, we also must note the presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces and closely aspected by the Sun and Moon in the same degree of their respective signs. Prominent Chiron implies that instances of old and dysfunctional patterns could emerge to haunt us during this week and weekend of the final lunar phase. If such patternings and moments of reactivity do arise, they have likely stemmed from early childhood trauma of one kind or another, involving parental figures or perhaps peers, which have become calcified and buried away below the level of consciousness. The recommendation is that we take the opportunity to pause and silently witness our perhaps momentarily bizarre behavior in order that we make a better place for these cast-off parts of ourselves at the table of our conscious awareness.

The Sabian symbols for the Sun, Moon and Chiron degrees are as follows: for the Taurus Sun "A man handling baggage" which reminds us again that we must take care of our inner wounding; for the Moon "A barometer" in a nice coincidence with the way that astrology actually works; and for Chiron "A sword in a museum" which reminds us that we must constantly study the roots of violence within us. Marc Edmond Jones has as well "the dramatization of prior achievement" and we might add "prior wounding." Just as the sword in the museum has its history of honorable defense and proper use of power it also has its history of violent oppression.

It is important, as we reflect on recent events, to ponder each use of direct action, and to try to make it count for something when we do. Actions, words and deeds could be either violent or pacifistic, depending on our ultimate intention. In this time of revolutionary fervor — as we continue to deal with the perhaps violent changing of the guard in the chaos of cultural history that we all are currently living through — we do well to proceed with caution before wielding our sword.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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