 A Difficult and Yet Hopeful First Quarter Moon

A Difficult and Yet Hopeful First Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday's First Quarter Moon represents a trying time in the process of coming into the actualization of the seed moment represented by the previous Solar Eclipse New Moon of a week ago. As with all beginnings and follow-up middle periods in the evolution of ideas, the devil is in the details. This phase of increased tension represents the time when we find out if we have what it takes to push through impediments and manage to manifest our vision. In this case, as the Sun and Moon move into their square alignment, the clash of ideal and obstacle is magnified by the surrounding mix of energies. Saturn and Neptune, in trine, are each highlighted in this configuration, with Mercury in aspect to both, and with Jupiter contrasting with Saturn as well, so that the simple and poetic ideal meets head-on with the negative and critical voice of dissent: "Oh no you don't."

The other powerful factor in this Friday's star pattern is the imminent perfection of the next hit of exact square between Uranus and Pluto, touched off by the First Quarter Moon in close sesquiquadrate aspect to both Uranus and Pluto, a configuration that astrologers refer to as a 'sesqui-yod.' The implication is that we will begin to feel even more strongly the collision between these two powerhouse planets. There is an element of transformation that is present now, and that affects everything that we find ourselves in the midst of; and then also, startling surprises that bring unexpected enlightenment. Monday the 20th, is the date when the Uranus-Pluto alignment becomes exact. We will discover these intensities to be manifesting more and more, over the course of a potentially stirring weekend leading up to, and past, next Monday.

All four outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are therefore activated, and in combination with each other. This represents an extremely potent combination that may allow you to shed many layers of your skin over the next few days, leading into an entirely transformational next few years, or it might be more subtle. This depends on where these planets hit your natal chart, the level of consciousness you can bring to bear upon what you are going through, and where you are, individually, in your present arc of development. Friday's configuration makes for a good opportunity to assess these factors and to reflect upon where you are in your life at this moment, both with its external circumstances and also in terms of inner work, and the inner work might be the most important. You win when you take the difficulties that you are dealing with through this current week, between the eclipses, and attempt to see them in the context of the largest possible picture of where you have been and where actually heading.

The Sabian symbols of Uranus and Pluto as they intersect in square with each other provide further food for thought. For Uranus, the 12th degree of Aries, "A flock of wild geese," for which Marc Edmond Jones has the keyword INSOUCIANCE or lacking in heaviness of concern. For Pluto we have "A student of nature, lecturing" and Marc Edmond Jones states that this symbol represents "self-confidence through the acquisition of knowledge, and effective self-direction through the practical application of all values." Dane Rudhyar adds "the ability to explore unfamiliar realms." I find it fascinating that these symbols refer to nature, and to Natural Law, and encourage us to investigate the true wellsprings of our behavior.

We are all in for a big bounce, no way around it, and the more difficult the more we have shucked off in the past the requisite changes that we are now up against. But as the Sabian symbol for Uranus reminds us, there is no need to get heavy; whatever you find yourself going through during these days of intensity is a part of a natural process. Stay in possession of a positive attitude, witnessing everything that you are going through, and, together with the grace and guidance of the cosmos, it will see you through.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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