The Lessons of the First Quarter Moon

The Lessons of the First Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday afternoon's First Quarter Moon, for August 3rd, makes for a very interesting first week of August, in part because the Sun and Moon at that time are in exact aspect to the transformational energies of Pluto, still hanging out in the 12th degree of Capricorn. The quarter moon takes place in the 12th degree, for the Sun and the Moon, of Leo and Scorpio. Then too, this brings Mars and Saturn, already in Scorpio, into the picture, in their forming conjunction that dominates much of August. Saturn is in the 17th degree of this intensely feeling-toned sign, with Mars being still in early Scorpio, and the timing of this quarter Moon brings them into temporary alignment since the Moon is conjunct to both. The Saturn-Mars forming conjunction being so greatly triggered implies that forward-going energy, as represented by Mars, now takes a back seat to the choices of slow and stop. The chance for active contemplation is greatly increased, and the possibilities are enhanced for potential lessons learned.

It is also important to note that Uranus and Saturn remain in their inconjunct configuration from the last half of July. This brings to the limitation, restriction and focus of Saturn the factor of surprise and of unexpected enlightenment. Later on in the month, Mars comes into closer alignment with Saturn, and forward momentum slows even further. Although the Uranus factor with Saturn is waning as August unwinds, the Mars factor grows to a crescendo of slowness by the time of the August 25th Virgo New Moon. With Pluto in the mix we might expect that the life lessons will be even more concentrated, and have the potential for pointing us toward the changes that, reluctant though we might be, we know in the depths of our hearts that we need to be getting on with.

We cannot expect that everything will go smoothly, but it will go. This week's astrology is a perfect storm of intensity that promotes accepting what the universe is handing out to us, and then making from that the best outcome that we can. This lunar phase in any case indicates an increase in tension and difficulty in getting things accomplished. With Mars and Saturn feeding into this picture, along with the potential for unexpected slow-down there is also great focus and determination for moving ahead with what we need to accomplish, for ourselves and for the society that surrounds us.

We might pick up a few more clues by checking out the Sabian Symbols for the Sun and the Moon, in the twelfth degree of their signs, and for the same degree of Capricorn, where Pluto resides. These are, for the Sun, "An evening lawn party," which Marc Edmond Jones calls "an effective capacity for working with others." For the Moon we find, similarly, "An embassy ball," or referring to "the political organization of society," "an absolute stability of self as a contribution to group integrity." The degree of Pluto speaks to knowledge gained through the trials of life: "A student of nature, lecturing." Jones refers here to the explanatory power of the intellect, and to "self-confidence gained through the acquisition and practical application of knowledge." Indeed we have at our disposal, always, our powers of observation, and of intellectual analysis, to guide us through; thus providing an effective support for the real truth of our situation, that we might also be able to discern by consulting what our hearts have to say to us. In any case we do well to recognize that we are on the path to our own individual fulfillment by which others around us are equally empowered.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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