A Full Moon of Transformational Power

A Full Moon of Transformational Power

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tomorrow morning's Full Moon in Gemini is a very interesting configuration, especially considering the looming Uranus-Pluto square that has now come as close as one half degree from exact, because both of these powerhouse planets are aspected by the Sun and Moon. The Sun in Sagittarius makes a semi-sextile aspect to Pluto and a trine to Uranus of less than two degrees, while the Moon in the opposite sign of Gemini aspects Pluto and Uranus, by inconjunct and by sextile. Pluto is also aspected by Mercury, Saturn, Chiron and Neptune at this juncture, so that in every way, we are being prepared for the major transformation that Pluto and Uranus bring as we enter into yet another crucial phase of their ongoing square that defines this decade of the "turbulent teens." Where, in each one of us, is the place that needs to shift? We might be about to find out.

This is a powerful time. The Uranus-Pluto imagery is about to become much stronger, even, in its penultimate moment of exact square next weekend, and this timing of the Full Moon that we have right now creates additional triggers for these symbolic effects. As we make an important emotional assessment of where we are headed, both personally and professionally, we might reflect on what seminal astrologer Alan Oken has to say about personal growth, that it's "the only game in town" at least as far as what we are really doing with our lives.

The potent astrological archetype represented by Jupiter is also more prominent in these early December skies. Jupiter is about to station, hence moving extremely slowly, strongly symbolizing the faith and optimism of the basic human condition. We might more readily find within ourselves our natural ability to relax, and to rely on Spirit to see us through. This makes for a nice chime with prominent Uranus, representing the supremacy of our own internal vision regarding what we are up to, letting us know that we can count on intuition to tell us true. When Jupiter stations, it is made far stronger by being in particularly strong trine to the new planet Eris, past Pluto, in the same degree of compatible signs, just half a degree away from exact. The symbolism of Eris seems to describe making a powerful stand for yourself, by finding and acting on your deepest soul intention for this lifetime. Venus in Sagittarius forms a grand trine with Jupiter and Eris, indicating that our relationships, and our values, support us in this most intense of adventures. Jupiter is about departures, spiritual attainment, and the exploration of new territories; and it is now the inner horizon that beckons.

Indeed, much of what might emerge for us as soul intention springs from connection with the pre-logical relatively unconscious parts of ourselves, for the wisdom that is there. This is often termed a dialog with our Higher Self or you could say Angel Guidance or more simply Spirit, or the Universe, that is always and ever available to us provided that we can find the faith and courage to turn within and avail ourselves of its loving assistance.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon support us in this way as well. They are, for the Moon, in the fifteenth degree of Gemini, "Two Dutch children talking," for which Marc Edmund Jones has: "the creative interest of man[kind] in the broad range of potentialities on which he may draw." This is a charming symbol for curiosity and mental exploration, very appropriate to the intrinsic symbolism of this particular Full Moon. We indeed have many sides, and some of the deepest and most basic are revealed in childhood. The language of intuition is different from our surface personality, and is not always clear. As we communicate to one another, or with our own internal guidance, we bring out this more natural, childlike, part of ourselves to our great benefit, as we attempt to better understand our true nature.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is also revealing; it is, for the fifteenth degree of Sagittarius, "The groundhog looking for its shadow," and this symbol can be taken in a variety of ways. Marc Edmund Jones comments on "anticipation," and "a natural talent for determining the proper course of action," and we could add — from deep inside. The reference to the groundhog's shadow can also refer to the parts of us that lie more or less secreted away from the light of consciousness. It is perhaps only from our deepest and most hidden places that we can come to a feeling for what it is that we must do; the vitally necessary preliminary to engaging with and implementing our best course forward.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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