The Intense Capricorn New Moon and Winter Solstice

The Intense Capricorn New Moon and Winter Solstice

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday afternoon and evening's Capricorn New Moon, the starting point for another monthly lunation cycle, follows by only a few hours the Winter Solstice, which can be thought of as the starting point for the entire year. This factor alone makes this lunation far more significant. Because the New Moon is at the very beginning of the sign of Capricorn, the sign that Pluto occupies, just as the storied Uranus-Pluto square in this mid-month period completes its sixth of seven exact alignments, there is a further emphasis on radical transformation as a theme. Uranus remains in extremely close aspect with Pluto; only one quarter of a degree from an exact square, and furthermore has stationed to direct motion earlier in the day, leading to a time of great intensity of Uranus-Pluto equal to if not greater than last weekend's precise mathematical moment of exactitude. Since this New Moon is the kick-off to the following month and year, we are therefore in for a season of strong personal and societal evolution for the following four weeks, and actually through at least the first half of the 2015 year.

And this intense period of transformation is symbolized as well in the New Moon configuration by the position of all three of the remaining personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. In this powerful chart we find Venus in Capricorn, in close conjunction with Pluto, a mere degree and a half away; Mercury is at the midpoint of Sun, Moon and Venus, therefore near the Sun/Pluto midpoint as well, and widely conjunct both the New Moon and Pluto; Mars in the next sign of Aquarius occupies the same degree as the Venus/Pluto midpoint, being therefore sextile Uranus and making a semi-sextile aspect to Venus and Pluto. The configuration also involves Jupiter and Saturn, and as well the new planet, Eris, as I have recently discussed. The fact that the inner planets participate so strongly with Uranus and Pluto in this configuration indicates that the transformation in which we are engaged at this time is front and center one of personal evolution, beyond the level that we have each currently attained.

There have been evolutionary pressures since 2012, the first timing of the Uranus-Pluto square, that everyone has been feeling, at least to some degree. You could actually go back as far as 2008, when Pluto first moved into Capricorn and the capitalist world economic system, ruled by Capricorn, almost collapsed, sending a warning shot across the bow of our collective ship of state. Of course, we have as well the more and more clearly evident trials of living on a small planet with dwindling resources, powerful factors of greed, and the prospect of environmental change as predicted by global warming. This is quite enough to give us pause, and there has been slowly increasing pressure for massive societal change since at least 2010, affecting us strongly on a personal level as well. Now the training wheels are about to come off and we are faced with a dire responsibility to evolve or to perish.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon degree, the first degree of Capricorn, might have something to tell us. It is "An Indian chief demanding recognition," which we can recognize as a return within each of us to a concept of Natural Law, a way of living closer to the Earth and Her standards. Marc Edmund Jones describes this symbol as "uncompromising inner integrity when it comes to meeting any situation of the moment." He also adds that by acting within this framework we posses "an ever-effective authority following from a single eye of vision and a consistent dignity of character." This is our inner mandate, to empower ourselves, and it spreads forth from there to embrace our world civilization.

We can actually succeed in our collective and personal quest by working on ourselves, at depth. This is an individual move that yet has the power to affect the world around us. The simple truth is that if everyone on earth, or even a critical mass of people, were to evolve beyond the petty concerns of an unenlightened viewpoint, making a move toward acting within more universally spiritual considerations, the world situation itself would change. And this is indeed the only way that it will change.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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