The Urgent Activity of the Capricorn Full Moon

The Urgent Activity of the Capricorn Full Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Saturday's Full Moon reminds us that we are powerful humans, each on an important and uniquely individual soul quest that, while deriving from each one of us, yet provides the solution to the situation of the social setting in which we find ourselves. The Moon in the social sign of Capricorn squares individualistic Mars, opposite Uranus in Aries, the sign that he rules. The Cancer Sun squares both of these points and looks on, in a nurturing way, at all the running around that we do in attempt to make everything work out. This is an extremely powerful configuration due to the current outer planet alignments, with chimes made as well to Pluto in Capricorn and in wide square to Uranus, which in turn is being strongly aspected by Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. This complex interlocking arrangement in the heavens corresponds to the intense amalgamation of energies that we are currently dealing with down here in Earth school, where wisdom comes slowly, and steadily, as we explore our overt choices and our hidden motivations.

Mars has been gaining ground, and in this Full Moon configuration is very activated, meaning that tempers can flair and activity seem all-important and even urgent as we lurch forward toward our treasured goal. Vision is active now, and concretized as well, with Uranus less than ¼ degree away from inconjunct with a slowing and therefore more powerful presence of Saturn, the archetype of limits, boundAries and restrictions. Saturn is preparing to station, on the 20th, returning to direct motion. Uranus is intensely activated, slowing down also, and being squared by the Sun and Moon as Mars opposes. We might want to beware of the potential for accidents, and the tendency to go off half-cocked. The upside of this visioning is that we know even more definitely what it is that we need to be doing, to benefit ourselves and, ultimately, the society around us as well. This works however only when the vision is our own. Borrowings do not count, whether from family and friends, or the early conditioning we had. This tells us what society expects but not what we definitely know to be our own truth, from the heart.

With Saturn so very prominent in this Full Moon configuration, we have also a catch-22 of holding back; stop everything. This is antithetical to the Uranian impulse of the unique vision that pulls us onward, sometimes almost violently, in these days of radical activity. You might have a powerful intuitional grasp of where you need to be, and what to bring about for yourself, plus the strong urge to get up and go for it, and yet encounter severe difficulty in actually getting anything off the ground.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon have something to share. For the Sun, in the 21st degree of Cancer, we find "A prima donna singing." This is a symbol that Marc Edmund Jones relates to "an overflowing richness of self — through full command of [one's] own deep and genuine potentials." This represents the highest level of individual activity. For the Moon, in the same degree of Capricorn, we have "A relay race," and Jones refers to "functional wholeness," which we might see as an obvious description of the committed individual acting in cooperation with the group, for achievement. As we continue down the path of communal evolution, we must indeed act strictly in accord with our own deepest principles, and this is especially true right now. At the same time we must equally be aware of the benefits of group involvement, because it will take all of us to recognize the urgent societal goals we jointly face, in order to be able to get together and push them across the finish line.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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