The Mystical Madness of the Cancer New Moon

The Mystical Madness of the Cancer New Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The New Moon in Cancer that takes place in the early morning hours of Friday the 27th is an exciting one, speaking to recent issues from the late spring, when the Uranus-Pluto square created a great deal of food for thought that has been sustaining our self-reflective inquiry right through to the present moment. There were questions raised at that time that are still reverberating through our psyches, and the fresh energy represented by this potent lunation allows for an almost perfect chime with these ongoing underground investigations. This concept is based on the waning retrograde of Mercury, that takes us to introspective places, and also on two important aspects of the New Moon configuration, namely the trine that the Sun and Moon make with mystical Neptune and the close opposition between Mars and Uranus that was exact just two days prior and that still exerts a considerable symbolic influence over us, bringing into the picture both impulsivity and surprising enlightenment.

With Neptune in almost the same degree of Pisces, another Water sign, there is indeed a strong feeling tone expressed. Jupiter is in Cancer now as well, so that we are dealing with the current events and realizations of our lives with almost exclusively the emotional part of our psyches. With Neptune in particular there is an otherworldly factor of extra-dimensionality to our current mode of operation. What flies out the window is mere logic and the thin support of pure rationality, and we are left with another and paradoxical road to truth, or to many truths, because different ways of seeing things can all, in the final analysis, be true. This is the great truth of the soul as independent from the multiplicity of little facts that comprise daily existence.

Additionally to Neptune and Jupiter we also have Saturn in the Water sign of Scorpio, retrograde and slowing, and also highlighted in this New Moon configuration, so that there is even greater emphasis on the feeling element. We are pulled to the inside as we ponder our circumstances, and this is fortunate, because it is within the inner portion of our psyches that we are most likely to be successful in determining what the true underlying patterns in our behavior are based upon.

The other major astrological factor in this volatile New Moon is Mars in close opposition to Uranus and making a wide T-square to Pluto. This aspect reminds us of the Uranus-Pluto square, still active and returning to exact before the end of the year. It also brings up the potential for impulsive behavior, literally leaping before looking, along with the possibility of accidents from this type of sudden activity. There is also a distinct emphasis on intuition, which Uranus is equally known for. Many astrologers feel that Uranus contacts provide glimpses of the hidden features of the universe, similar to Neptune, the parts that we do not see with physical eyes, the places that to become aware of, we must "close our eyes to see."

We are thus reminded of our ongoing struggle to come to terms with what Uranus in combination with Pluto is attempting to teach us. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon, in the sixth degree of Cancer, makes for another reminder. It is: "Game birds feathering their nests" for which Marc Edmond Jones comments "a symbol of the unlimited degree to which the spirit of man [and woman] may develop and preserve its initiative... through conscious participation in group destiny... enlisting the potentials of experience for the service of Self." In this we share a common goal, to become the human beings that we have it in us to be.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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