A Strange and Scary Last Quarter Moon

A Strange and Scary Last Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday evening's Last Quarter Moon represents a very intriguing configuration, with all the planets except for Jupiter contained within an almost perfect inconjunct aspect between the Moon and Eris. Jupiter is therefore once again greatly emphasized, by virtue of being alone in his half of the Zodiac, and aspecting Mars, Chiron, Pluto and the Sun, directly opposing the last within about six degrees. This lunar phase also indicates a shift in perspective, which is made all the more poignant by the station of Mercury to direct motion on the morning of this same day. As Mercury stands still in the sky it is far more powerful, and additionally closely aspects Chiron, Saturn and Uranus, producing a strong meditative moment for thinking about stasis and change. We therefore have a great deal of heartfelt courage now and also our fears are very much in evidence, as we continue to deal with problems of massive income inequality, global climate change and unrelenting Middle East warfare. Still there is a positive stance that is possible, taking the position that the worse it gets, the more mass consciousness about these problems can actually increase.

Eris is also once again emphasized because being in close aspect to the Sun and Moon, less than a degree away from exact, and connecting to Jupiter as well, their trine being within about five degrees currently, that will repeat in perfect form in early July. At that time as well, Uranus will be in forming conjunction with Eris. This new planet, beyond Pluto, has been causing quite a stir lately as she is becoming more widely recognized as a powerful factor in charts. Steven Forest, an extremely well known astrology teacher and researcher, has said "I've marveled at the slowness of the astrological community to embrace this new planet despite its being slightly bigger than Pluto... I'm hoping it reaches critical mass in the astro culture the way Chiron has," and of course I have also been pioneering the effort to understand this brand-new astrological archetype as symbolizing a Feminine Warrior for Soul Purpose. Because Eris has been so prominent lately it gives all of us a chance to see for ourselves what this new planet has to offer. Basically I feel that there is an opportunity now to stand up for oneself and to make a real difference, a difference that is getting more and more crucial as this climactic second decade of the 21st Century unfolds.

With Saturn, Uranus and Pluto so closely configured, aspected by a stationing Mercury and a solitary Jupiter, we have a real dilemma on our hands, minds and hearts, augmented by a closing Uranus-Pluto square that is now within a mere three-fourths of a degree. The impulse to move forward is very strong in all of us, as well as the more conservative urge to be still and to hold on to what we unmistakably yet possess. Are we to hide our heads in the sand out of fear, attempting to medicate or distract ourselves from looking at the problems, both societal and personal, that we all face, or are we to stand up for ourselves and be counted?

In this regard it is also useful to remember that when you make a move toward wholeness within your own psyche it has a way of reverberating outward and infecting others with your courage and commitment. One by one we are healing the planet and ourselves as we boldly act, just as we are also partly slipping back into dysfunctional apathy, at the very same time. We cannot afford to be judgmental about our failures, or to slack off as we congratulate ourselves for our relative successes, because the time for constructive action is indeed growing short.

The Sabian Symbols for this Last Quarter Moon are once again forthcoming on these difficult issues. For the Moon, at the 24th degree of Scorpio, we have: "Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man," and we are again reminded that each individual can indeed make a difference. Marc Edmond Jones tells us that the symbol is about "the supremacy of spiritual over other and more tangible forms of authority... [with] an emphasis on the fact that any higher realization must be brought to earth ... [since] aspiration is meaningless until it achieves practical focus." He refers also to "an almost spectacular ability to enlist the higher potentialities of everyone for some practical need of the moment." For the Sun, in the same degree of Aquarius, we find: "A [person] turning [their] back on [their] passions and teaching from [their] experience," which Jones relates to "effective accomplishment through a genuine peace of inner understanding." Indeed we need to muster all our strength of character in this time of trial. By rising to the occasion we will raise everyone around us to higher effort, and by falling back we all fall together.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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