A Full Moon of Underground Proclivities

A Full Moon of Underground Proclivities

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday evening's Full Moon is a powerful one, and marks the midway point in the cycle that began with the late-Gemini New Moon from the middle of June, thus reflecting the astrological weather for the first two weeks of July, up to the Cancer New Moon of July 15th that kicks off the second half of the month. This is quite an intense configuration, providing subtlety and a series of complex interactions between personal and outer planets. An overriding theme is the vast and yeasty underground reaches of our unconscious process, originally explored in modern times by Freud and Jung. This is a hidden part of everyone's personal reality, underlying everything that you say and do, and yet hardly showing itself except by indirection; you must, in the words immortalized by Grateful Dead lyricist, Robert Hunter, "close your eyes to see."

The reason that there are emblems of deep inner process that show up so clearly in this Full Moon configuration is that the outer planets, which symbolize these distant portions of the psyche, are uniquely activated in the timing of this Full Moon, and this includes the new planet, Eris, in this mix. It is unclear at the moment whether Eris will come to be considered as much a part of the set of 'outer planets' as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but she is certainly in the same general category, demonstrably potent in charts and partaking of the same qualities of depth process as Pluto himself.

Uranus represents the trickster god of surprising enlightenment, and provides a glimpse of the architecture of the universe, including those dimensions beyond the physical, while mystical Neptune is all about these extra-dimensional realms, the ocean of oneness beyond the boundaries of ego. The intensely transformational Pluto archetype corresponds to deep process as well, death and rebirth, fundamental desire, soul agendas. Eris manifests herself as a warrior goddess for soul purpose, equally revelatory of deep process, and of the complexes that lie hidden in the depths of the unconscious, as I have shown in my recent book, The Tenth Planet. All this outer planet emphasis indicates that we have an unusual opportunity, over these next two weeks of the closing cycle, to get more familiar with what is going on at profound regions within us, below and beyond the region of conscious thought.

In this Full Moon, Uranus in conjunction with Eris trines a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo, while Mercury resides near their midpoint, sextile to each end, and Saturn is in close bi-quintile aspect to Eris. The Uranus/ Eris midpoint is 21 Aries 49, while that of Venus/Jupiter is 21 Leo 56, so that the trine is quite close and thus extremely potent. These latter two planets also aspect Pluto in mid-Capricorn. The Full Moon in Capricorn is conjunct to Pluto, within 4 degrees, an aspect that perfects early the next morning, while the Sun and Moon are in close aspect to Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. Eris and Uranus are getting ready to station to retrograde motion later in the month, on the 19th and the 26th, adding to their influence in this chart.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are also interesting in this regard. They are, for the Sun at the 10th degree of Cancer, "A large diamond not completely cut," which could be seen as a reference to the center of the psyche, partially known and partially unrevealed. Marc Edmond Jones has "man's pilgrimage through the lower planes of being is revealed as a continual service to higher meanings through which he knows himself." For the Moon we find: "An albatross feeding from the hand," for which Jones remarks "[one who] reaps in life ... must sow abundantly, and he [or she] establishes himself as he [or she] expends himself ... the degree is unusual success in dramatizing the potentialities of human nature." By delving below the surface layers of our mind and heart, and by paying the closest possible attention as we do, we might be able to reveal to our conscious understanding much that lies hidden within, and, in turn, succeed in nurturing the deeper needs of the world around us.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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