A Challenging First Quarter Moon

A Challenging First Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Thursday evening's First Quarter Moon comes at a crucial time in the midst of an intense summer of outer planet activity. Pluto was greatly emphasized in the recent New Moon, implying that the major transformation he symbolizes is very much with us over the next several weeks. Additionally, all the following planets are either stationing — meaning that they are standing still in the sky and changing their direction of motion — or getting ready to station: Eris just recently, on the 19th; Venus in square with Saturn, on the 25th; Uranus, in conjunction with Eris, on the 26th; Saturn, himself, on August 1st. I include the new planet, Eris, in this list because she has proven to be significant in charts, embodying the archetype of a Feminine Warrior, by which I imply taking a strong stand for yourself and for your deepest soul intention. This is a relevant theme for the current lunation cycle, as indicated by the recent mid-July New Moon being in precise square to Eris. The most compelling public statement of this symbolism would be, in this country, the presidential election run of Bernie Sanders. Whether or not you like his politics, it seems certain that his primary motivation is a desire to strongly express that in which he most deeply believes.

The First Quarter Moon is the lunar phase when the rubber meets the road, regarding the impulse from the New Moon that is currently working itself out in your life. This is the time when you encounter the difficulties, or the drawbacks, and are tested to find the courage of your convictions. Also, in this quarter moon configuration, Pluto is once again emphasized, being contra-parallel both the Sun and Mercury, in their close conjunction in the first two degrees of Leo. This aspect pattern implies that logical thinking is an important component of our current arc of evolutionary development; we have a lot to deal with and we must apply our mental resources to the hilt in trying to sort out what we are truly up to, and where we must rise to the occasion in order to commit to what is necessary for our continued well being.

The Venus retrograde that is looming in two days' time is another important factor now. In this quarter Moon chart, we find Venus in the first degree of Virgo, where she will station, in partile aspect, meaning the same degree, with the Sun in the first degree of Leo, and the Moon in the first degree of Scorpio. Saturn, moving very slowly in the sky and therefore more potent now as well, is in the 29th degree of Scorpio and thus in square with Venus. All these factors point to an overwhelming concentration of focus on the key relationships in our lives, as well as the other areas that Venus symbolizes: aesthetic and financial concerns, our basic values, or simply enjoying the beauty of our surroundings, and of ourselves. All will be subject to second looks, perhaps intense scrutiny, as the remainder of this month unfolds. Where and how do you enjoy beauty? What is the relationship dynamic that characterizes the way that you connect with significant partners, or fail to? What are the obstacles holding you back from the fullness of love in your life? These questions will be uppermost on our minds and in our hearts as we proceed with major changes in order that we navigate the Plutonian transformations of this lunar cycle.

We might find, as is usually the case, the Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon to be enlightening. They are, for the Sun, in the first degree of Leo, the somewhat mysterious symbol "A case of apoplexy," which certainly speaks to the intensity of what we are going through, collectively and individually. Marc Edmund Jones, in a chime with the Eris symbolism, comments on "overwhelming potentiality, and an ever-pressing necessity for genuine self-establishment," and suggests that you find the capability within yourself to "mobilize all [your] powers and even risk [your] own existence rather than accept any thwarting of [your] desires." For the Moon, in the first degree of Scorpio, we find: "A sight-seeing bus." This reminds us to keep alert to all our possibilities and to leave no stone unturned in searching for the truth of our situation. Jones references "interest in life as a whole" and "capitalizing on the opportunity of the moment." Finally, the first degree of Virgo, where we find Venus stationing, has the symbol "A man's head," reminding us that we now must think our way through. Jones relates this symbol to "full maturity in human estate, with an emphasis on personal integrity," and states, "the ideals of an inner life are given outer manifestation through some [form of] self-accepted responsibility on which others can count." Indeed this is our mandate from the universe, and our challenge, that in the course of acting on our values and our native intelligence, we provide something of real worth to the chain of ongoing generations that will follow in our footsteps.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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