An Intense and Expansive Full Moon

An Intense and Expansive Full Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday evening's Full Moon, taking place later in the night for those further east, is an exciting one that emphasizes Jupiter, residing at the same degree of Leo as the Sun and Moon in their own Fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio, making a precise T-square. In a spiritual chime with faith-based Jupiter, the numinous archetype of Neptune is also accentuated, so that there is a strongly spiritual component to the cosmic energy that is circulating now, while with Saturn strongly invoked as well, being aspected by Uranus in exact sesquiquadrate aspect and Mercury in opposition, as well as Mars and Pluto, there is also represented the practical side of here-and-now existence, in powerful contrast to the numinous beyond that is also so clearly present. The exact sesquiquadrate aspect between Uranus and Saturn, is also very telling in this regard. Therein is this selfsame dichotomy expressed, of the faith-based transforming urge for transcendence in contrast and in combination with the concretely available challenges and pleasures of the earthly existence — our platform in which to operate.

It is a real gift to recognize the extent to which we participate in other-dimensional awareness, even as we negotiate the joys and the sorrows of the physical. The balance that you are in fact able to strike in this way is crucial. As you carry on with your earthly existence, it is possible for one emphasis or the other to rule, either allowing yourself to be carried off into fantastic flights of fancy in a complete departure from the here-and-now, or else to become bogged down and enmeshed in the pettiness of daily details that preclude a lifting of your vision to higher planes. The best result is to somehow steer a middle course. We do inhabit these physical bodies, complete with personality and ego, and it is vitally important to recognize this basic fact, and not to leave these human-animal factors behind. On the other hand we simultaneously dwell in Spirit, with our souls only lightly connected to the concrete and the three-dimensional. We win when we can simultaneously hold onto both of these realities, giving up neither one, as we navigate the tricky waters of our opportunity to grow by surmounting adversity.

Esoteric astrology and psychology, principally the work of the well-known 20th Century Theosophist Alice Bailey, postulates seven rays of cosmic manifestation, with this earthly laboratory considered a Fourth Ray enterprise, or Harmony through Conflict, and this is just what we see here symbolized in this very potent Full Moon configuration. This implies that this Sunday and Monday could represent an important turning point for each one of us, in the midst of our soul-level evolution. It is vitally empowering that we acknowledge our humanness to the fullest extent, while continuing to dwell in spiritual realms of higher imagination.

The Sabian symbols for the Sun and Moon in this potent configuration are also illuminating on this issue, because they are, for the Sun, in the 14th degree of Taurus, the rather mysterious symbol that reads: "Shellfish groping and children playing." When we think about this, we can sense two evolutionary layers described in contrast and yet also in similarity with each other. For this symbol, Marc Edmund Jones remarks on "the self-sufficiency of existence on each separate level of being, preserving ... the integrity of selfhood through its absoluteness of attention to its own business, of continuing to be." For the Moon in the 14th degree of Scorpio we find: "Telephone linemen at work," which conveys communication between the various dimensions of this same "greater reality." For the latter symbol Jones references "the interconnection which links all phases of existence" and also states that "the degree is an effective penetration of human competence into ... everyday living." Indeed we must resolve while acknowledging our status as change agents for the cosmos, to do our best to be as fully human as we can possibly be, taking each triumph and setback as food for thought, and as grist for the mill of our own and our society's eventual thorough-going transformation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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