A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Monday afternoon's New Moon in Libra is notable for several reasons, chiefly because it takes place in almost exact opposition to the trickster and enlightening energy of Uranus in Aries, less than one degree away from exact. This makes for a powerful presence of Uranus, not only for this day, but also for the month ahead. We may well see an upsurge in surprises and synchronicities, along with fresh awareness of where we need to progress beyond previous barriers to growth. There will likely be unexpected events to adjust to, and examples of the startling epiphany that comes over us in a moment, and that can permanently change our awareness, as we are able to open to it. We will see all these evidences of strong Uranus increasingly over the weekend leading up to Monday's very intense New Moon.

We find Venus, the ruler of the Sun and Moon, in close square with Saturn, while Saturn also makes a sesquiquadrate with Uranus. In contrast to the Uranian emphasis, Saturn represents the astrological factor associated with limitation and contraction, an understandable reactionary stance in opposition to the forward-going progressive momentum that is the province of Uranus. Additionally, with Jupiter and Mars in close trine to Pluto, this completes the picture of evolutionary pressure summed up in this New Moon timing, reflecting back to the preceding several years of close Uranus-Pluto, and to the timing of the (now) forming Uranus-Pluto square that gets closer and closer leading up to the end of this rather intense year. Depending on the area of each person's natal chart that is affected, we can be assured that what is totally up for us now, just as it was during the fractious springtime of this year, is new awakening, leading to truly revolutionary personal change.

Venus and Mars also make an interesting contribution to the astrological factors of this New Moon. While Venus is square to Saturn, and Mars is trine to Pluto, they are connected to each other via a close declinational aspect, or parallel, that differs from exact by only two tenths of a degree. Interpersonal relationship is up for us in the way of focus and concentration upon this important area of life, plus transformative energy brought to bear, and the recognition of the need for change. It could be a case of "use it or lose it." You might experience as well as a sense of frustration and isolation now, and this could also constitute a significant part of your incentive for growth in these matters. With Mercury still recovering from its retrograde shadow, you could be examining, with extra care and concern, your motivation for partnership connection.

As we head into late fall, we have the close near-collision, symbolically, of Uranus and Pluto, approaching one degree away from exact by the end of December. It is remarkable that we find Uranus so greatly stimulated, most powerfully in this current month, but also in previous New Moon lunations, and in the ones coming up, as well, on November 11th and on December 11th. Because of so much Uranus in the picture, it is also fascinating to note the proximity of Eris to Uranus, several degrees away, and closer toward the end of this year, closing to exact next summer. Eris has turned out to be quite powerful in charts; being another important outer planet archetype, of the same order of impact as Pluto. Eris can be seen to be an archetype of Spiritual (or Feminine) Warrior in support of soul intention. Where she is strong in charts, or by transit, as now, this relates to the way in which, by insight, you may come to understand where you need to make a stand, acting on what you most deeply believe.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon has something to convey as well. It is, for the 20th degree of Libra, "A Jewish Rabbi." This is can be seen as a symbol of no particular religion, standing rather for the spiritual inheritance that has come down to us as the hidden side of all religions. It is the esoteric tradition of Judaism, for example, that has given us the Qabalah, or the Tree of Life, relating to the symbolism of Tarot, and to astrology. Marc Edmund Jones references "deeper understanding," and "a feminine receptivity of soul." He goes on to state, "the degree is the extraordinary insight which comes to those who are able to stand on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before." Indeed this is a symbol that is quite appropriate for these times of powerful Uranus, which continually presents you with a liberating vision synchronistically aligned to your evolving understanding of yourself, that is uniquely your own. As you see further into the stored-up perennial wisdom of the culture, by means of your own intuition, and as you pay the closest possible attention to everything that happens around you, and to you, so also will you find awareness, allowing you to grow into the person that you were always meant to become.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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