A Full Moon of Recognition of Priorities

A Full Moon of Recognition of Priorities

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tuesday afternoon’s Full Moon in Gemini is another in the series of intense lunations that we have seen all this past late summer and fall, as is evidenced by the highlighted presence of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in this configuration. Interestingly, this was the combination that was also active in the late sixties, when Uranus conjuncted Pluto and opposed Saturn, so that we may be seeing a similar level of divisive social activism on the rise once again. Uranus-Pluto is about massive, irrevocable change taking place, with individuals and with society, so that the sensible thing to do is to get on the side of history. Saturn added to the mix is about resistance to change, so that both sides of the ensuing polarity become empowered. As the Sun conjuncted Saturn over these past few days, we find Saturn still in close parallel with Pluto, by less than half of a degree, while Mercury comes closer to a conjunction. Mercury will not actually get there, but will station in mid-Capricorn on December 19th less than a degree and a half away from Pluto’s position. Meanwhile, Uranus is empowered by the trine that Saturn makes to Uranus, and by the forming opposition from Jupiter that also sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius. When Uranus stations late in December at the 20-degree mark of Aries, Pluto will be separated from their square by less than four degrees, quite close, still, and we might also recognize that Uranus is greatly strengthened by his close conjunction with Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto, representing a warrior energy for taking a stand – against all odds – for that in which you most deeply believe.

And Eris is once again highlighted in the configuration of this Full Moon. The Sun at 22 Sagittarius is in a trine with Eris at 22 Aries that is exact to within ten minutes of a degree. The prominence of Eris is strong this entire month, since Eris was also closely aspected by the Sun and Moon in the Sagittarius New Moon that kicked off the current lunation cycle, implying that everyone is stimulated now to take a stand for what they sincerely intend. We can see this in current events and activities all around us. The Standing Rock protest against the North Dakota pipeline project shows no signs of abating, while the oil companies, equally sure themselves of what they stand for, principally short-term profits, and buoyed by the prospect of a new U.S. president that will be sympathetic to their cause, show no sign of backing down, either. Meanwhile the city of San Francisco declares that they will protect the rights of productive illegal immigrants against unnecessary deportation, in spite of what might come at them from a newly Republican White House.

In the midst of principled protest, there are plenty of bright ideas available, as indicated by a forming opposition of Jupiter across the zodiac from Uranus and square to Pluto. This aspect is uniquely expansive, and symbolically aligns with the Uranus-Pluto square, bringing up the massive structural transformations of our era for activation and reexamination.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, too, is a key factor in all these recent lunations, indicating the sense of angst that we feel as we look toward an uncertain future. Chiron in these configurations also represents the recognition of our own inner wounding that has the unfortunate effect of holding us back from becoming what we know at deep levels to be our truest sense of ourselves. That is, unless and until we make the move to break the chains of past habitual behavior that we also know inside ourselves to be something that we can transcend.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon may be enlightening. They are, for the Sun in the 23rd degree of Sagittarius, “Immigrants entering,” which could be viewed as a symbol for acceptance of information that might initially seem foreign, and additionally makes for a fascinating chime with an important topic politically these days. Marc Edmund Jones has this to say: “opportunity caught and held through its effective recognition, here dramatized by the creative faith of those who risk their well being in [offering] pioneer areas of self-expression… the human soul [in a state of] a constant manifestation of its own special genius.” This sounds a lot like Eris. He also refers to “courage in crossing new frontiers,” and “being able to transplant [one’s] roots.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Gemini, we find, “Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.” This can be seen as a symbol for the celebratory finding of your way forward in support of your own personal evolution. Jones references, “[one’s] potentiality caught and held through an initial and effective appreciation… [the] capacity for giving each nascent possibility of character a chance... unconditioned creativity” Indeed it is high time that we took up the firebrand of our own inner knowing. In the face of radical change that we can see ourselves to be in the midst of, we can do nothing less, as the feeling grows that this will take everything that we’ve got.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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