A New Moon of Passionate Longing for Truth

A New Moon of Passionate Longing for Truth

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday morning’s New Moon in Taurus is marked by the stations of two prominent inner planets. These are Venus, whose station to direct motion has already passed, ten days ago on April 15th, and Mercury, whose station direct lies ahead, still a week away. These past and future moments are yet extremely active in the current configuration of this dramatic New Moon. Venus, in changing to forward motion, has remained in tight square with Saturn and in conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, right up to the present moment. We have been more aware of inner wounding, and held back for more intense bonding in relationship, this entire time. These aspects remain a matter of two degrees from exact in the timing of this New Moon, with Venus about to enter the sign of Aries this coming Friday, breaking the spell. Meanwhile Mercury, in slowing to a crawl and moving only two degrees backward over this next week, leading up to its station on May 3rd, remains in close conjunction with Uranus for that entire period of time, and beyond. This greatly emphasizes the close aspects that Uranus currently makes to Chiron, a semi-sextile, and to Saturn, a trine. Mercury in such close conjunction to Uranus and in trine with Saturn as it stations is quite startling, bringing the trickster archetype to the fore, with an impulse for innovation and change, and for getting to the heart of the matter, independent of consensus thinking.

With Saturn so involved, there is also the resistance to rapid change, the urge to instead move gradually, and this allows the startling insights that Uranus brings to slowly penetrate into our consciousness. This is indeed a powerful time, with plentiful insights to be had, and awareness gained, as we additionally pick up on the energy of the Taurus New Moon, making this all even more concrete in its application.

There is a good dose of Pluto, as well, in this New Moon, and even more at the Scorpio Full Moon that follows in two weeks, when the Sun and Moon closely aspect him. Venus quintiles Pluto in the New Moon patterning, while Jupiter and Mars both make significant aspects to Pluto. And this has to be seen as well in the context of amazingly strong Uranus, with the Uranus-Pluto square still active up to 2020. Nothing less than radical transformation is implied. Some factors on either the personal or the collective level that have been getting out of sync with what truly needs to happen for your and the society’s well being must shift. Such shifting is never easy, because of what must inevitably be left behind. And yet, change must come. Like breathing it is an integral factor of life on planet earth.

Along with strong Saturn in this New Moon, we are fortunate to have also a powerful presence of Jupiter to offset it. Jupiter expands where Saturn contracts; has faith where Saturn expresses cynicism. Jupiter lets us know that, for all its pain and shortcomings, we still inhabit a beautiful world.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is a bit complex; it is for the seventh degree of Taurus, “A woman of Samaria.” In biblical times, this was the outcast tribe that the orthodox mainstream despised, so that the parable of “the good Samaritan” was intended to represent a startling contrast. For this symbol, Jones remarks upon “plumbing all experience to the depths,” and finding, in the oddest places, “real and gratifying self-fulfillment.” His keyword is “Awakening: self-giving in the hope of honest self-realization.” Coupled with the power of this New Moon configuration, we might see this additional perspective as encouraging us to move forward with our own deep changes, no matter how difficult or unusual that movement might seem according to the existing status quo, or normative consensus opinion. There is really no other choice.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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