A New Moon of Illusion, Idealism, and Introspection

A New Moon of Illusion, Idealism, and Introspection

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday’s New Moon in Sagittarius takes place with Mercury still in retrograde, about to station, and aspecting Neptune, Lord of Illusion. This New Moon is also accompanied by a stellium of five planets total in Sagittarius, including Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Saturn. Just as with all these recent initiating lunations, since August, the New Moon itself also makes a tight trine aspect to Uranus. In addition to the enthusiasm and optimism represented by an overdose of Sagittarius, bordering on an idealistic charging of the barricades of injustice, we might well encounter surprises. The unexpected proceedings that we have been witnessing at collective levels will likely remain much the same through to the end of the year, and beyond, while out-of-the-blue events in our personal lives will continue as well, leaving the question somewhat open for each of us of where indeed we are heading. The very sky is the limit. This sort of future shock is not without its degree of angst, however, so that it seems appropriate that through this final lunation of the year, Uranus remains in tight semi-sextile to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, especially strong now with the New Moon in square. We will want to stop and think about this factor in the face of any reactivity that may come up over this rather intense holiday period.

In this New Moon chart we do in fact find signs of intense interpersonal relations, with a prominent Mars in Scorpio in close semi-square to Venus in Sagittarius. If reactivity does arise, you might be able to benefit by seizing the opportunity for a little self-study, asking yourself the question: From what within you does that sensation of anger or upset arrive? By digging more deeply into your core issues, including inner wounding derived from early childhood trauma, you can learn more about yourself and also allow a needed pause to take place between the impulse for anger and going as far as acting it out.

This prominent Mars can also manifest as greater energy for getting done what you want to accomplish. We are all strongly feeling our mission come alive for us in these difficult times, to the extent that we can discern it. Contra-indications to necessary action are the fact that Saturn is quite prominent in this New Moon configuration, and, as well, Mercury in retrograde is aspected by Jupiter, while reaching one of the peak moments of its entire backward flow, namely the time of its station, taking place on December 22nd. The Winter Solstice that precedes this by one day also features an incredibly strong Saturn. It will be difficult to get things done, but our accomplishments in this way will represent long-lasting rewards.

We therefore have both a forceful presence of freedom-loving Uranus in this New Moon, and also the equally powerful presence of limiting and conservative Saturn. This is symbolic of the red and blue divide of the U.S. nation at this time, of course, which will only intensify over the coming weeks. Within each individual psyche, too, we can see being played out the progressive impulse and the holding back indicated by these antithetical energies. After the end of the month, and as we plan, when we refuse to take up possible projects that interest us we will want to ask ourselves the very relevant question of our deeper motivation. Are we acting out of a legitimate concern over the practicality of this move, or out of fear of the unknown consequence? Only after we have plumbed our depths more fully, taking symptoms of over-caution as well as inner wounding into account, will we be in a position to make the right decision.

With Mercury in retrograde, this continues to be, of course, an entirely introspective period of time throughout December. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon may serve to aid us in our process of self-discovery. This is, for the Sun and Moon in the 27th degree of Sagittarius, “A sculptor,” which reminds us that we are continually, out of the materials which come to hand, forging our own character. Marc Edmund Jones refers to “creative ability as the manifestation of self-consciousness in its maturity of realization,” and “the enlarged horizons which follow from an individual’s mastery of their own particular talents.” Indeed, it is up to each of us to unstintingly try to fashion the very best version of ourselves that we can achieve, knowing in our hearts that only this will truly satisfy us for the sake of the future.

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