A Last Quarter Moon of Perspective Shifts and Studied Responses

A Last Quarter Moon of Perspective Shifts and Studied Responses

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Thursday’s Last Quarter Moon is an interesting lunation, in part because the Sun changes signs, moving from business- and practical-oriented Capricorn into Aquarius, indicating a major and relevant shift of perspective in the midst of these transformational times. Then, there is also the shift in point of view indicated by the very nature of this lunar phase, which seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as a “crisis in consciousness.” By this he meant that the accumulated trials of the previous three weeks of the existing lunar cycle have put us in a different place, so that our state of knowledge and understanding concerning our situation has reached a kind of impasse; we need a new starting point in order to go on. There is thus an implied perspective shift inherent in this lunar phase, a new way of seeing the world around us that will, as seed idea, carry us into the next cycle. Couple that with the Sun in Uranus’ sign and we have before us another dynamic juncture. Perhaps the biggest news in the current astrology is Uranus, being in close conjunction with Eris, and opposed by Jupiter. This brings surprising events, trickster activities, and unexpected enlightenment to the fore, just as the Sun entering into Aquarius further supports this archetype. We can therefore expect that the astonishing twists and turns of these past few months will continue.

Of course here in the U.S., this is also the timing of the inauguration of a new administration, on the 20th, and as well the coming weekend’s Women’s March on Washington in protest of this particular president-elect. This latter event reflects the highlighted presence of the new astrological archetype of Eris, Feminine Warrior energy in support of deep soul intention, as my research has shown. Eris is indeed prominent in these January skies, with Jupiter opposed, to the degree, and this continues as Jupiter stations retrograde shortly after the end of the month. While stationing at 23 Libra, Jupiter will remain in close opposition with Uranus/ Eris right through to mid-March, when also the conjunction between Uranus and Eris achieves its second perfection of two, the first exact conjunction having taken place in June of this past year. It is also important to note that Saturn, too, remains a factor during 2017, in trine with Uranus/ Eris at several points, and being never more than a degree away in declination from Pluto, thus parallel to Pluto all year. Saturn represents the conservative pole of the contrast between innovation and holding steady that is also quite prominent this month, as evidenced in the current political scene.

We might characterize Uranus- Eris as being a somewhat eccentric and quirky stand for yourself in any and all circumstances. With this combination so telling these past months, and in the current year also, I sometimes call this the time of “everyone an activist.” This is evidenced in the events surrounding the inauguration, with many performers and politicians openly abstaining from attending. Incidentally, the chart of Donald Trump displays this combination natally.

Uranus itself is emphasized by virtue of the close Eris conjunction, which is active all year long, although with perhaps a hiatus in the late spring and summer. Thus, we can continue to “expect the unexpected.” Indeed, this is what all the political pundits are saying about the incoming administration: no one has any idea of what events will actually unfold. With Jupiter opposed to Uranus for the first few months of the year, there is also the very strong possibility of brilliant ideas arising to throw a surprise monkey wrench into whatever it is that we thought that we had going, on personal and collective levels, be it our stand on making needed changes in our own lives, immigrant policy in the U.S. and around the world, pervasive racial attitudes or the science and solution of global warming.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are, as usual, enlightening. They are, for the Sun in the first degree of Aquarius, “An old adobe mission,” emblematic of traditional values, one half of the ongoing set of polarities reflected in the current astrology. Marc Edmund Jones references, “the underlying stability in all personal existence,” and goes on to say, “here is emphasis on the unbroken continuity between the psychological and physical certainties of [our] being … [with] effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Scorpio, we find, “ A sight-seeing bus,” which reminds us, in contrast to the foregoing, of the endless quest for innovation, for moving out beyond previous boundaries. Jones states, “this is a symbol of the individual spirit in its [generality] and of the … indomitability of its interest in life as a whole ... capitalizing on the opportunity of the moment.” Indeed we must keep both of these perspectives in mind as we navigate the tricky waters of the remainder of this climactic year of change. We must seek out the new and fresh solution wherever possible, and yet also recognize the importance of never breaking entirely from our past heritage. The times require the willingness to change, and a studied response in so doing.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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