A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Saturday evening’s Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto brings this planet’s potent energy for change very much to the fore. There is only one degree separating the degree of the Cancer Sun, opposite and forming, from Pluto across the zodiac, with Mars a few degrees away making a close T-square with Pluto to Eris, at 23 degrees of Aries. The opposition between Mars and Pluto is augmented by their parallel. In terms of declinational aspects to Pluto, we note that Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun also participate. The Uranus square to Pluto has reached a subtle point, about to shift again, with Uranus preparing to station just beyond the end of the month. What does all this focus on Pluto for the weekend imply ? For one thing, with Mars so firmly in the picture, we are feeling the energy to be achieving, and in new ways, along the lines of heart direction rather than responding to any other motivation. For another, there is the definite potential for pent-up anger to come bursting out of us as reactivity. If this does happen, it is good to honor our anger while simultaneously recognizing it as our own. We may need to take a pause, three deep breaths, literally count ourselves out to ten or even twenty. We might remember are never livid for only the simple presenting reason. Once we can recognize our anger’s roots in our core wounding there is less chance that we will inadvertently blurt out something of a hurtful nature.

Another factor in this Full Moon configuration that cannot be overlooked, although it might seem subtle, is the focus on Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto. Eris, fully participating in the T-square with Pluto and Mars, speaks to us about discovering where our most sincere values lie, and re-aligning our goals and even our career direction along the lines that matter to us the most. This refers to that part of yourself, stemming from deep inside, what you cannot pass up if you are to move through life with true peace of mind.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also prominent now, being in close semi-sextile to a stationing Uranus, parallel Eris, and in a close quintile aspect to the Full Moon. If we step back to the largest possible picture, this implies a form of future shock, whereby the changes that are being thrust upon us in this time of prominent Pluto seem difficult to take, as indeed they are. With Pluto there is always giving something up, perhaps some habit pattern that has lost its usefulness, which your consciousness has moved beyond, but which in considering your life still exerts the gravitational pull of the familiar.

It is important to recognize that prominent Chiron also represents delving down into core issues that could be very timely now, just as you are poised upon the precipice of profound change. Much of what is going on for you in a deeper way will depend on recovering a better understanding of where you have been wounded in the past, and where you might yet be able to make progress toward significant healing. It is said that “to understand all is to forgive all,” and this might ultimately extend to being able to forgive yourself.

The Sabian symbols for this Full Moon could prove to be enlightening. They are, for the Moon, in the 18th degree of Capricorn, “the Union Jack,” a symbol of national cohesion that can be seen to represent being embedded in the social matrix that surrounds us. Marc Edmund Jones states that, “this is a symbol of the maximum protection which life at large will provide for the individual… the self’s ever-widening spread of interest [and] desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself.” For the Sun, in the same degree of Cancer, we find, “A hen scratching for her chicks.” This is similarly a representation of a wider protection than the individual alone can accomplish. Jones remarks upon, “high rewards for any effort which is self-consistent or industrious at base… a marked capacity for meeting every demand of existence.” We might be reminded of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Psalm of Life: “Let us then be up and doing/ With a heart for any fate;/ Still achieving still pursuing,/ Learn to labor and to wait.”

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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