A Full Moon of Difficult Yet Inevitable Progress

A Full Moon of Difficult Yet Inevitable Progress

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday evening’s Full Moon in Scorpio is interesting because possessed of quite a lot of outer planet energy, plus Saturn. The transformational effects of Pluto are well in evidence, emphasized by his close conjunction with Mars and a close aspect from Jupiter. Saturn is in partile or same-degree aspect to the New Moon, being trine the Sun and sextile the Moon. Further, with Saturn remaining in close parallel to Pluto, and to Mars, we are reminded of the major structural changes in our personal lives that are coming down, as seen also in the surrounding collective. The New Moon also closely aspects Eris, the newly discovered planet beyond Pluto, bringing further into our individual awareness this archetype of Feminine Warrior energy for soul intention. By this we are also reminded that the point of our personal evolution is that we get closer to our soul’s desire as relating to our mission as humans on the planet at this particular time. This calls for your dedication to your deepest values, that which you feel called upon to articulate, and to fight for, no matter what. The fact that Saturn is fully invoked now is a two-edged sword, because even though you are slowed down in all that you wish to accomplish, so that everything is harder, like slogging through deep mud, your dedication and commitment is simultaneously high, to succeed in overcoming that which needs to be overcome, for the sake of the future, and for your own personal arc of development

With Venus and Mars also in the picture of this Full Moon, the development that we seek will likely come to us through relationship, at least in part. And this is not only astrological but also logical, since we are often able to see more of ourselves, especially in our deeper layers, by means of the reflection that we get from important others. Venus is closely contra-parallel to Mars as well as in minor aspect, and Mars is powerfully emphasized by means of his conjunction with transformative Pluto and his parallel to Saturn. There is thus a strong likelihood that some form of reactivity will be a significant part of what we encounter in the arena of interpersonal connection, and there the prescription is that we keep in mind that “you are never angry for the reason that you think you are.” Instead, core wounding plays a role. The idea is to stay cool, and to walk yourself back from the hasty word or deed, taking time for yourself as necessary. This is easy to say, hard to do, but could be vital for your continued growth and well being if you can pull it off.

In this context it is useful to remember that Chiron is now prominently placed, and has only very recently crossed into Aries, the sign ruled by Mars, implying an increase in both the danger of early childhood trauma emerging into consciousness, perhaps quite suddenly, and also the chance to work with this energy arising from your depths and seek to transcend it. Acceptance of what you encounter is the key. Instead of being tempted to turn away from inner complexes, the residue of ancient trauma, rather befriend them as an integral part of yourself. In this you are remembering that, as Blake said, “Everything that lives is holy,” and this includes your own dark places inside yourself.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are enlightening. We have, for the Sun, in the tenth degree of Taurus, “A Red Cross nurse,” implying the higher Self’s inner healing. Marc Edmund Jones, who masterminded the creation of these numinous degree symbols in the 1920’s, states, “This [symbol] emphasizes the greatest of all roads to self-realization… complete dedication of the self to the worth-while and enduring projects through which it can lose all sense of separativeness.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Scorpio, we find, “A fellowship supper.” Jones remarks upon, “human service on the practical side of everyday reality… an effective channeling of personal aspiration into the common-place grooves of shared experience.” Indeed, we must all do all we can, for others as well as for ourselves, for only by this striving can we come to the fullest expression of our own individual humanity.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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