A Solstice Full Moon of Magic and Nourishment

A Solstice Full Moon of Magic and Nourishment

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

A very special Cancer Full Moon is gracing our skies this December 22nd, and it falls just hours after the Capricorn Solstice. The Winter Solstice (or Summer solstice for those in the Southern hemisphere) is when the Sun reaches its southern-most position in our sky, and thus is the shortest day in the North, and longest day in the South. It marks a turning point for the yearly cycle, and is celebrated as a time for earth honoring, ceremony and ritual. Then, too, the Full Moon is symbolic and indicative of fruition, culmination and abundance. With this lunations’s coincidence with the Solstice, this marks an auspicious time to reflect intentionally on ideas, people, activities, and places where you can fill up your cup, nourish your soul, and inspire your spirit. This Full Moon occupies the very first degrees (0º) of Cancer and Capricorn, signaling a new beginning of sorts as it falls in step with such an important point in the seasonal cycle. The Cancer-Capricorn cusp speaks to us of tradition, nurturance, emotional tending, foundations, safety, and the relationship between flowing feminine energy and stabilizing masculine energy. This is also the last Full Moon before we enter into the New Year and the upcoming eclipse season commencing on January 5th with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn. Eclipses often bring with them a degree of upheaval and a stirring up of intensity, so that finding that high flying vibe of goodness and nourishment during this magical solstice is really important, especially in these fractious times for the entire society. You might want to really make note of this timing, allowing yourself to drink deeply of the calming waters, knowing that there may also be more stormy times close ahead.

There is truly such tremendous power in our awareness, and there are many competing energies vying for our attention, now. We are being asked to really consider and re-invent where we place our focus. In this Full Moon, we find Mercury in conjunction with Jupiter, and just one degree shy of regaining the ground it lost in the retrograde period, escaping its own retrograde shadow, so that our mental framework is given opportunity expand and explore new territory. You may want to keep your antennae perked for fresh perspectives and beliefs that are more true to your Essence than normal run-of-the-mill experience. This is a delightful time to capture your musings in written form or spirited conversation with those who really get you. Writing or speaking about your ideas can help you see things differently, and begin to act upon these, more so than if they only live as a fleeting thoughts in your mind. Another element of this configuration to consider might be the heightened access to profound epiphany and brilliant solutions indicated by the trine we find between Uranus and the Sun (and therefore sextiled by the Moon.) This lends an element of spontaneous enlightenment to the carefree levity of Jupiter.

These aspects may also serve up heavy hitting reminders or signals as to where we still need to bring our focus on personal growth as well as alignment with our highest good. Issues highlighted could include personal responsibility, cultivating and claiming a space of safety for ourselves, implementing structure where that is helpful, and honoring emotions as they arise. If you feel shaken, knocked sideways, or like your hopes have been dashed, it might be helpful to remind yourself of your power as a creative being to choose your thoughts and attitude in each moment. Adopt the events that arise for you as your most perfect teachers and allies no matter what form they might take, whether that is winning a million dollars or getting the flu. Creation is simply asking us to learn through this incredibly humbling experience of being human. How willing we are as students lies in our own hands.

Venus and Ceres are also making an appearance together this Full Moon just three degrees apart in Scorpio. Venus has finally emerged from her retrograde shadow (she did so on the 18th of December). While Venus is still in a sign where she is not at optimum functioning, regarding your relational realms you may be feeling a certain weight or heaviness lift. The lessons of Venus of the past months have been around self-worth, self-love and how we can truly honor and care for one another in the depths and intensity of our human experience. The dwarf planet Ceres represents a mother archetype that is related to topics of food, nourishment, loss, and redemption. As she and Venus meet up, we may turn our attention to ways that we can truly love ourselves up, especially where we tend to hide out of shame or guilt. During this dramatic juncture, it might be a good idea to have a sit down with those places within you that feel less-than, and be careful to let them know that you love and accept them just as they are. Imagine them as sweet lost children, or small furry animals. How would you treat a four year old in your kitchen crying from feeling ashamed or not good enough? In any case, you would probably not continue to tell them they are terrible. I’m guessing you would scoop them up, give them a big hug, and make them some tea and graham crackers! By extension, why would you ever do any differently with the places inside of yourself that feel ashamed or bad about themselves? You might even gain from getting curious and asking them some simple questions about what they want, why they make the choices they do, and what they’re good at. Ultimately you might be absolutely amazed at how much wisdom these parts of yourself secretly hold.

The Sabian Symbols for this Sun and Moon degree provide us with further insight. For the Moon we find “A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel.” This symbol speaks of the flexibility we are asked to employ as human beings as we attempt to greet each moment anew, asking again and again what is needed of us as circumstances perpetually morph and shift. Marc Edmund Jones reflects, “When positive, the degree is a gift for highly profitable adjustment in every developing relationship with others.” Indeed, as our world continues to shift and change at lightning speed, we are being asked to navigate quickly and skillfully. Our willingness to be present in each moment can help anchor us so that our boats don’t get tossed and smashed in the stormy waters. For the Sun the symbol is: “An Indian Chief demanding recognition.” This speaks to the opposite polarity of the first symbol; whereas in the first we are asked to greet the external world with flexibility and adaptability, this symbol speaks to expressing the inner core of pure truth we find within ourselves that is eternal, unchanging, and crucial to be in alignment with for the well being of ourselves and our world. The question becomes, how do we continually meet what is arising in our rapidly changing world from a place that is true to and honoring of our own distinct essential nature as spiritual beings? As we celebrate and navigate the magical waters of this Solstice Full Moon, may we each be blessed, nourished, safe, and anchored in the Truth of who we are.

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