A First Quarter Moon of Restriction and Redemption

A First Quarter Moon of Restriction and Redemption

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday’s First Quarter Moon in Gemini echoes many of the themes of the recent and quite powerful New Moon eclipse configuration from one week ago. Moreover, this lunar phase represents a natural growth process from the timing of the New Moon energy, a “crisis of action” as seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar chose to express it. In this opening or waxing square between Sun and Moon, we are coming to some inescapable conclusions concerning the viability of the ideals and visions with which we began the current cycle, reconciling to compromise in some cases, and to a radical revisioning of that original impulse in others, as we contend with coming down to a better grip on the true reality of the situation. Interestingly, as we do this, we are echoing a far greater and more consequential cycle that is currently with us right to the end of the decade, namely the waxing square alignment between Uranus and Pluto. This similar stage of Uranus-Pluto, referring to the cycle of change that originated in the tumultuous 1960s, when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction, is very much enhanced by the configurations of the latter half of February. We as a culture are now attempting to discern whether the fanciful ideals of peace and love stemming from that time are in fact viable as a way of working things out with one another. As the planet metaphorically shrinks in size and the issue of mankind’s environmental impact grows increasingly critical, all of us are affected and our individual contribution to the collective becomes crucial. These powerful outer planet configurations of this extremely important and pivotal year demand nothing less than our fullest and most conscious participation.

This is symbolized by the strong role being played in the current skies by Eris, feminine warrior archetype of profound soul intention, and of taking studied and directly confrontational action on behalf of what you most deeply espouse. Eris is closely aspected now by Jupiter, within a mere minute of a degree, as Jupiter slows down, preparing to station retrograde in early March. Eris is also in conjunction with Uranus, and in close square with Pluto, within two and a half degrees, an aspect that will become very tight by the end of this decade. In November 2020, as Saturn conjuncts Pluto, intensifying the dark forces surrounding us now, this powerful confluence of archetypal energies perhaps indicates in part the possibility of another concerted attempt to steal the American presidential election.

Returning to the present moment, we do well to remember that numinous Neptune and also Uranus, the Awakener, are significant factors throughout this entire lunation cycle. In essence they represent a powerful vision for change. Additionally, in this First Quarter Moon, we find that interpersonal relationships also provide a major theme, as indicated by a square between Venus and Mars. These two personal planets aspect Neptune and Saturn respectively, the latter by a close parallel. This is a remarkable collision of archetypes, with Neptune corresponding to idealization in the extreme, bordering on self-deception, likely involving relationship, while Saturn stands for limitation and a contrasting symbolic representation of being brought down to the real. This is also a poignant reminder of the ubiquitous presence in our current culture of spin and counter-spin, with each side of the ongoing polarity insisting on its own version of the truth. This might remind us of what Senator Patrick Moynihan famously retorted to his opponent in a debate, that, “you are welcome to your own opinion, sir, but not to your own facts.” While continuing to be difficult to sort out, the emphasis on Saturn might be a potent aid in embracing this concept, that facts are indeed facts, and the truth, the truth.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are, as often, revelatory. They are, for the Sun, in the fifth degree of idealizing Pisces, “A church bazaar.” Marc Edmund Jones, chronicler of these symbols, references “the instinctive loyalties of life as manifest in community institutions, and of [one’s] ability to capitalize on the enduring allegiances that one in this way develops… as they make their over-all contribution to human achievement through [such] contacts.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Gemini, we find, “A radical magazine,” which Jones considers a symbol for “the necessary element of change in human affairs.” He comments that, “Here is the power of [men and women] to give high exaltation and dramatic force to whatever succeeds in stirring them deeply … emphasizing inner over outer compulsions.” You can perhaps see in this description the evidence of his very strong natal Eris placement. Indeed we are all in this together, and must act forcefully on our own understanding at all times, activity which yet has its directly felt influence upon the society in which we participate. As Ben Franklin stated it in the early days of the American Revolution: “We must all hang together now, or, most assuredly, we will all hang separately.”

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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