Full Moon in Libra:  Flowers Bloom in a Forest of Thorns

Full Moon in Libra: Flowers Bloom in a Forest of Thorns

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Full Moon is a time symbolic of culmination and harvest in the lunar cycle when the Moon reflects the maximum light from the Sun onto our beautiful blue Earth. When the Moon becomes full, it is at the opposite position in the zodiac from the Sun, and the Full Moon of March 31, 2018 takes place at 10º plus Libra, opposing the Sun at 10º plus Aries. The Aries-Libra axis is significant of the self as reflected and related to by other, especially in terms of interpersonal relationships. Both signs are cardinal, meaning that their energetic quality is that of a hinge or dramatic turning point, and we may experience this as an undertone of this lunation. Where things were stuck, confused or tangled in our awareness, there is opportunity now for them to release and turn on into the next phase.

Mercury is currently retrograde in Aries, and at the time of the Full Moon is also close to the Sun, and therefore in an especially weakened state. While this time is not as conducive of the forward motion of life when it’s “business as usual,” it is supportive of deeper self reflection, and I also highly recommend taking it as a time to pause, rest, and nourish your heart and soul with things that bring you joy and ease. It is not a good time to push forward with agendas or expectations – it is less likely that the desired outcome of such ways of being will be obtained or achieved right now. Patience is key, as is mindfulness and bringing the fullness of our awareness and presence to employing skillful navigation, especially where communications and interpersonal interactions are concerned. (For more on this Mercury Retrograde, you may wish to visit the full article, here.)

Mercury is not the only planet emphasized by this lunation. We also find Mars and Saturn, conjunct in the sign of Capricorn, as the focus of a T-Square from Sun and Moon. Chiron, the Wounded Healer’s testimony is also strong, because closely conjuncted by the recent New Moon in Pisces that began this current lunar cycle.

If we imagine the planets as characters on a stage, you could say that there are a lot of opposing and contentious viewpoints in this particular configuration. We may hear a concert of differing views and voices in the world barking for attention as they search and scramble for the best way forward. We may also feel and hear that environment reflected in our own internal landscape. We may wish for nothing more than harmony, balance, and diplomacy (Moon in Libra), while another part of us is certain we need to prioritize our own needs above all else ( Sun in Aries). And perhaps another part of us just wants to go hide in a cave until it’s safe to come out, again (Mercury Retrograde in Aries). Then, there are the militant parts of us all who say: Onward! Fight on! We mustn’t stop now, we have a world to build and it isn’t going to build itself! (Mars and Saturn in Capricorn.) And if all these voices weren’t enough, we also feel the achy tug of our inner wounding, calling our attention to tend to the places deep inside us that still feel like hurt children (Chiron in Pisces). If you can feel any facet of these notions in yourself, or see them in the world, I imagine you know the cacophony and chaos that can ensue with this level of tension around differing viewpoints and desires.

Enter stage right: Venus in Taurus! The goddess of all things beautiful and delightful, and she’s finally arrived to her home abode of stable, fixed earth. This is where we can rest. It is in the haven of Love – both for ourselves and for others, that we desire and long for safety and solace. That inherent sense of belonging. Home. In whatever way you find this in your life – whether it’s with a partner, friends, family, gardening, a sunny spot in the park, a delicious meal cooked with love, or whatever it may be – lean into that. Lean into what feels good to your soft animal body, and to your sweet, tender heart. There are many places for our awareness to get hooked into old patterns and habits of fighting our way through the proverbial thickets and brambles, right now… and there is also such goodness for us to feel, embrace, and ultimately bring as a beautiful offering to the parts of ourselves and to others that are having a hard time of it.

When we cultivate love in our own hearts, it is a gift for ourselves, for each other, and for all of creation. For the places within us of pain and wounding are not something to run from. Our personal trauma can certainly (and understandably) be felt as an unbearable burden… yet what if we choose to view this, as the coyote trickster genius, astrologer Caroline Casey puts it, as our “beautiful, dangerous assignment?” Perhaps adopting our trauma with an open heart is the ultimate act of courage. In these precarious times, may we be fiercely tender and bravely vulnerable. May we remember the soft petals of the fragrant flowers as we endeavor to navigate a forest of thorns.

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