A Leo New Moon of Authentic Radiance

A Leo New Moon of Authentic Radiance

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Imagine a Lion sauntering proudly amidst their pride, emanating a sense of primal magic, and the magnetic wisdom of their regal nature. As the New Moon of early morning August 8th takes place, at 16+ degrees of Leo, so too may we call upon the attributes of the Lion to help us radiate our inner light. Due to outer planet connections, this New Moon stands out in deep bold red letters, planting the wild seeds of a new lunar cycle that is beckoning our most brilliant selves to activate. With this timing we may well be faced with unexpected situations that call for innovative problem solving, and that are encouraging us to rise to our own unique creativity and authenticity, embodying our crucial contribution to the world.
The New Moon degree is in a near exact square with trickster Uranus in Taurus, and a looser opposition with stern Saturn in Aquarius. If you’ve had your eye on the cosmic weather lately you’ve likely heard by now that the square aspect between Saturn and Uranus is the hallmark astrological signature of 2021. This square signals revolutionary turnings, and tensions between tradition and innovation. It is the simultaneous yearning for safety and security and, as well, the unbridled aliveness of freedom. Additionally, with Eris in almost exact square to transformational Pluto and opposed by new planet Haumea, while Pluto himself is in an exact contra-parallel, to the minute, with another potent new planet, Makemake, and with numinous Neptune opposed by Venus, all three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are powerfully highlighted.
The New Moon activating this dynamic astrological signature is sure to enliven our inner and outer landscapes with questions surrounding matters of finding our place in the world. How do we honor what we have cultivated in our lives, and also stay open to the undeniable changes, within us and without, that are ripening to plunge us further into uncharted territory? 
With the Sun and Moon in Leo, the spotlight turns to our sense of individual expression, and choice points around how, when, and to what extent we wish to be seen and witnessed. Perhaps there are places where we have been hiding out.  This New Moon announces that it is time to ask ourselves, “where is it that I’m undeniably called to be seen in my most authentic expression?”  Maybe it’s simply in the mirror with yourself. Maybe it’s with a beautiful tree. Perhaps with just one other person, your family, or an audience of thousands. It will, of course, look different for each one of us.
With all these Leo vibes, and with a trine between Chiron and the New Moon, Venus in opposition with Neptune, and the Pluto emphasis, I invite you to take a moment to imagine and feel where you are being called to be authentically yourself, also witnessed, and to ask yourself what gets in the way of feeling seen. How do you want to be celebrated and known?  What happens when you envision that? Often with the idea of being truly seen it can be fear or anxiety that arises – in one way or another – that stymies your natural flow. And yet, as well, revealing your authentic self can also enormously liberate you in the places within that are caught in sensations of shame, or not feeling like you are good enough.
Leaning in toward these old beliefs we hold about ourselves with compassion, rather than shunning or turning away from them, can be an elixir of healing and emancipation from the early trauma and false conditioning that somehow convinced us that we are unworthy, when in fact at our core we each are beautiful and whole. This is perhaps the most important take-away from the dynamic moment of this New Moon, the medicine of Leo. It inspires us to inhabit and reclaim our authentic vibrancy and shine like the brilliant stars we are. May we each dare to radiate our unique light in service to a vision of a world where all beings can thrive.

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