A Taurus New Moon of Reclamation & Radical Acceptance

A Taurus New Moon of Reclamation & Radical Acceptance

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The sensuous dark of the Taurus New Moon, exact on May 11th at Noon PT, sets forth a new lunar cycle for us. This lunar phase inspired by the Earth energy of the Taurus sign has soft and dreamy notes to it, paired with a powerful dimension of reclaiming ourselves as whole and integrated beings. As we look ahead to the remainder of this May month, this is also the last New Moon before we enter into the transformational territory of the upcoming eclipse season, since the Full Moon of May 26th is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, to be followed by a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini on June 10th.

We should also consider as part of this timing the Mercury Retrograde from May 29th until June 22nd, retrograde shadow lasting into the first full week of July, which may prompt us to slow down and really pay attention to the way the eclipse portal is allowing us to come into new awareness. Stepping back to the current week, this coming Tuesday’s New Moon is a good time to tune in, center, and get intentional before the wild winds of the end of the month and its eclipse season come whirling through our world.

Occupying 21° + of Taurus, the New Moon–and Sun, always conjunct at New Moon–are making a very close conjunct aspect with Black Moon Lilith at 22° Taurus and a very close sextile aspect to Neptune at 22° Pisces. The Neptune influence can refer to idealism, over-idealism, or a form of deception practiced upon us, in general the bypassing or avoidance of suffering, and perhaps anxiety in the face of uncertainty. There is also a very kind and compassionate energy involved with this archetype, but with strong Neptune influences, it’s generally a good idea to bolster our discernment and find ways to ground and center.

Black Moon Lilith can be interpreted in multiple ways, but one constructive way I prefer to interpret this archetype when she is active in a lunar phase chart is as indicating a catalyst for going into process around reclaiming aspects of our true nature. Lilith can be seen as representing those facets of our being and personality that we have unconsciously deemed not okay. This is generally through internalizing some element of our early childhood environment and cultural conditioning that becomes buried away to come up as unconscious patterning. Black Moon Lilith therefore also represents the difficult journey of reclaiming those lost parts of ourselves as we grow and heal. Pair that with the Taurus archetype and in this mid-May New Moon we may find ourselves encountering the places where we’ve felt unloving of our own body, sensed a lack of self-worth, or where we have yet to own and integrate our core values into our developing manifest reality.

This New Moon presents us an opportunity to practice radical self-love and self-acceptance, and offer a welcome-home party to these lost aspects of ourselves, embracing them as precious, integral, and valuable. There is an alchemical process that occurs when we encounter these outcast parts with love and acceptance. It not only brings us into a fuller inhabitance of our uniquely true nature, but it also opens the doors for others to do the same.

Having Neptune in sextile to this Sun/Moon/Lilith could provide us greater ease and access to spiritual compassion, and thus serve as a dissolving agent that helps soften the mental and emotional tangles within us that could be perpetuating unhealthy patterns. I recommend in this timing that you practice engaged surrender and simply follow what feels truly good in your somatic experience. The question might become, how much can you allow life to live itself through you, as you rest in trust and give yourself over to the Divine Intelligence of life itself?

As we prepare to head into the mysteries that await us in the upcoming Eclipse Season, may this Taurus New Moon bless us all with fresh eyes to see and love and accept ourselves more fully. We might thus be enabled to accept each other more fully as well. May we thrive with more joyous acceptance of our bodies to feel love, pleasure, and our innate somatic wisdom. May the balm of compassion and forgiveness repair the cracks and divides. With fierce and loving hearts, may we devote ourselves to living in the fullness of our True and Brilliant selves.

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