A Pisces New Moon of Complex Intensity

A Pisces New Moon of Complex Intensity

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Pisces New Moon that astrologically begins the month of March with some expansive and complex astrological configurations takes place  on Wednesday, March 2nd at 9:35 am PST, or afternoon for points east. When the Moon meets up with the Sun at 12º Pisces, the Sun and Moon are just two degrees shy of generous Jupiter. Pisces is Jupiter’s happy place, and this expansive and uplifting influence may help us find new opportunities to increase our sense of spiritual connection and find a much needed boost in faith and buoyancy to lift us through the challenging times we face as humanity. Jupiter can also tend to incline us toward overconsumption, and Pisces can also be associated with sensitivity and dissociation. As such we want to be mindful of coping strategies that give us temporary relief but ultimately undermine our overall wellbeing. Mostly, however, this Jupiter conjunction with the New Moon is lovely, beautifully uplifting, and a wonderful time to tune into the dreams and visions that live in your heart.
While this New Moon marks the beginning of the Moon’s cycle with the Sun, we are simultaneously reaching something of a closing chapter where the recent retrograde of Venus is concerned. As the planet of love and beauty revisits the degree where she stationed retrograde last December conjunct Pluto, with currently Mars in tow, this Venus-Pluto connection is serving us some final notes on integrating what we’ve learned and have been healing since the start of the year.
This triple conjunction between Venus, Mars and Pluto is dishing out some very potent medicine for us. Venus and Mars have been traveling in lock step since early February, and as of this New Moon timing, Venus has regained the zodiacal territory since her retrograde motion through Capricorn in January. In short, this signals an extended time of learning about how our orientation around pleasure, values, and way of connecting melds (or conflicts) with our action orientation: our primal desires, and our tendencies to act in self-serving ways. You may have noticed some very big shifts in relationships, money, and core values in the past few months, and this lunar cycle might be just the time to integrate the healing and lessons we’ve been working on in those areas. There could be ways of being that no longer serve us, and Pluto offers a final passageway to transmute these into new orientations, especially around power and inner authority.  All of this is additionally being couched in the soft-hearted and misty-eyed wonder of Pisces season, which can offer us some nourishment for our spirits, even as we are tasked with the intensity of heavy-lifting healing work.   
This rather intense New Moon configuration also comes with several other potent outer planet connections, not least of which is the Sun and Moon in close aspect to both Uranus (by sextile) and to Pluto (by a close semi-square). The outer planets signal the overarching evolutionary patterns of our collective turnings, and we can certainly see this reflected in the world as the ferocious churning of change and crisis are asking all of us to heal, innovate, and evolve in the face of incredible challenge and intensity. 
Also to be noted in this New Moon is an almost exact conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius. This brings a serious attitude to all of our mentation, and our communications with others. This aspect also offers an energy that can be supportive of self-discipline, and of journaling or enacting firm agreements. By putting our ideas down on paper or into word and deed we can concretize them in a way that will be truly lasting.
I found it interesting and unusual in this New Moon chart that all of the placements I usually work with (which are Sun, Moon, the planets, the nodes, Eris and Chiron) are clustered into one half of the chart, and are bookended by the lunar nodes. Usually I only work with other points for the lunar phases if they’re making significant aspects, and in this chart, Black Moon Lilith is holding a prominent position. Appearing in Cancer, she’s flying solo in the empty half of the chart, and is also making a supportive trine to the Pisces Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. Lilith usually signals where we need to retrieve an alienated or “shadow” aspect of our nature. Perhaps this supportive aspect from Lilith signals an important time to feel and see where our hearts have become walled off and guarded, or in denial, and seek the support we need to heal these cast-off parts. When we can offer a safe and loving space to the hurt places inside of us, we become more whole in our sense of Self and for important ways of how we operate in the world.

As we endeavor to heal the divides that live within our own beings, we note they are reflected and expressed in the outer world situation, as well. As the astrology of this year continues in a wild and turbulent fashion, may there be ample support in all ways, and for all beings, that we find a path into greater wholeness, freedom, and loving kindness.

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