A New Moon Solar Eclipse of Restrained and Thoughtful Activity

A New Moon Solar Eclipse of Restrained and Thoughtful Activity

Saturday’s New Moon, taking place in the morning of August 11th, is yet another eclipse, the third in a series of three telling configurations this summer. The previous two, from mid-July and then the lunar eclipse of July 27th, were quite powerful and featured both Pluto and Uranus, harbingers of major cultural and personal transformation. This one is...

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A First Quarter Moon of Uncertainty and Growth

A First Quarter Moon of Uncertainty and Growth

Thursday’s First Quarter Moon in Libra, taking place midday on July 19th, continues several of the themes from the extremely potent New Moon and Solar Eclipse of one week ago, and additionally represents the next stage of unfoldment of the energies presaged for this thirty-day lunation cycle that began then and continues to the upcoming Leo eclipse of August...

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The Solar Eclipse and Cancer New Moon: Harmony Through Conflict

The Solar Eclipse and Cancer New Moon: Harmony Through Conflict

Wednesday evening’s Cancer New Moon and Solar Eclipse, taking place on July 12th, has been much discussed recently by astrologers, because it represents a huge watershed in human affairs, symbolizing major effects on both collective and individual levels. For starters, the eclipse point lies in partile opposition to Pluto, and thus signifies that this...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Meditative Reflection and a Call to Action

A Last Quarter Moon of Meditative Reflection and a Call to Action

Friday’s Last Quarter Moon takes place at nearly 1 AM, July 6th, on the West Coast, and later for points east. In any case this is quite a dynamic quarter moon, featuring a major trine configuration as well as multiple square alignments; and this includes, of course, that between the Sun in mid-Cancer and the Moon in Aries. Jupiter and Neptune form a lovely...

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Full Moon in Capricorn:  Depth Woven into Light

Full Moon in Capricorn: Depth Woven into Light

The Capricorn Full Moon of June 27th, at 6 plus degrees, offers us some powerful opportunities to ground our visions into very practical no-nonsense structures. The Full Moon is in any case the time in the cycle when lunar light culminates and is at its turning point from waxing to waning back to darkness. It is a time brimming with rich potentials for harvest...

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