The Call of the First Quarter Moon

The Call of the First Quarter Moon

Wednesday's First Quarter Moon is quite an interesting one, coming as does upon the heels of last week's Libra New Moon as its first, or testing, phase. The energy of that lunation highlighted Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, otherworld voices from beyond, which can be crucial in signaling the call of our own higher selves, urging us onward. This is in the context of...

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The Profound Meditation of the Libra New Moon

The Profound Meditation of the Libra New Moon

Monday evening's Libra New Moon (taking place early to late evening, or early Tuesday morning, depending on time zone) is an interesting lunation, involving close aspects from Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, bringing our dark places closer to the surface of our conscious thoughts. This New Moon continues the theme of relating that we...

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A Last Quarter Moon Time of Thoughtful Action

A Last Quarter Moon Time of Thoughtful Action

Monday evening's Last Quarter Moon is an interesting and thoughtful lunation, with potentially an impulsive side, resulting in unexpected activity and inner exploration. This is because the trickster energy of Uranus is once more emphasized, located in the middle degrees of Aries. The nature of this phase also represents something of a curve ball, when we are...

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A Mystical and Confounding Full Moon

A Mystical and Confounding Full Moon

Monday evening's Full Moon represents an opportunity and also a challenge, because the Sun and Moon, aligned along the Virgo-Pisces axis in middle of their respective signs, are also aligned with tiny Chiron, currently occupying the 16th degree of Pisces. Venus is now in Virgo as well, and almost exactly opposes Neptune in the early degrees of Pisces. There is...

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A Challenging and Enlightening New Moon

A Challenging and Enlightening New Moon

The Virgo New Moon, taking place early on Monday morning, is a powerful one, bringing an essentially spiritual quest into up close and personal connection with our more ordinary material pursuits, and providing moments of startling clarity. This is because, as the energy peaks in the first few degrees of this mutable Earth sign, implying new beginnings of a...

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