A Mystical and Ceremonial Full Moon

A Mystical and Ceremonial Full Moon

Sunday morning's Full Moon is interesting because of what it says about where we are right now, and also because it lets us feel into where we are not; as we look inside for our answers and as well catch ourselves peering ahead to see just where our current circumstances will lead us. This Full Moon comes as a fulfillment of the impulse from the Pisces New Moon of...

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A Startling First Quarter Moon

A Startling First Quarter Moon

Saturday's First Quarter Moon in Gemini is interesting for several reasons. One is that the Moon, in Mercury's sign of Gemini, makes an aspect to Mercury, which, still relatively introspective and recovering from the recent retrograde, is also almost exactly square to Saturn. We have therefore a curious and a thoughtful time of it right now, as we struggle to...

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A Spiritual and Perplexing Last Quarter Moon

A Spiritual and Perplexing Last Quarter Moon

Saturday's Last Quarter Moon, with the Sun conjunct numinous Neptune in Pisces and the Moon in square from Sagittarius, is another in the recent series of interesting lunations. This phase in any case represents a reevaluation of what has gone before during the three preceding weeks of the lunation cycle, in what seminal Western astrologer Dane Rudhyar called a...

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An Airy and Inward Turning Full Moon

An Airy and Inward Turning Full Moon

It is an interesting and introspective Full Moon that comes along on Friday, February 14th, Valentine's Day. In spite of the sentimental nature of this day for many, the nature of this lunation actually partakes of both connection and isolation, because the contracting and limiting nature of the planetary archetype of Saturn is involved, and because Mars in...

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A Curiously Interesting First Quarter Moon

A Curiously Interesting First Quarter Moon

Thursday's First Quarter Moon is quite interesting, and perhaps a bit daunting, as symbolized by two very important astrological factors that accompany it. The first is the limiting, restrictive and conservative archetype of Saturn, highly emphasized in this configuration, and corresponding as well to the nature of this phase, which represents a mild crisis in the...

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