A Feisty New Moon

A Feisty New Moon

Friday evening's New Moon makes some important waves. Even though taking place in peaceful Libra, this configuration packs a real punch, with nearly all of the outer planets powerfully aspected. Take a look at this star-studded cast of characters: we find the New Moon itself, in the twelfth degree of Libra, almost exactly opposite the trickster energy of Uranus,...

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A Quarter Moon time of Reflection

A Quarter Moon time of Reflection

Thursday's Last Quarter Moon is an unusually strong one, accompanied as it is by connections to all three outer planets as well as Chiron, representing the archetype of the Wounded Healer. This week's lunation also features a close forming square between Venus and Mars, symbolizing creative conflict between female and male, also relationship versus individuality....

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A Full Moon Time of Solace

A Full Moon Time of Solace

Thursday's Full Moon in Pisces provides some sweetness amidst the angst of these fraught times, and the difficult outer planet configurations that reflect them. The Full Moon in any case represents a reaching out for balance, in this case the balance of the undefined and numinous otherworldly dimensions of reality represented by Pisces versus the detailed nuts and...

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A Quarter Moon of Tough Furthering

A Quarter Moon of Tough Furthering

Thursday morning's First Quarter Moon is a somewhat strenuous one. The square aspect between the Sun and Moon normally presages great difficulties in furthering our idealized conception from the time of the recent New Moon; in this instance even more so due to the heightened presence of Saturn, representing the Senex archetype — strict taskmaster and stern...

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A New Moon Time of Transformation

A New Moon Time of Transformation

Thursday's Virgo New Moon opposes Chiron and closely aspects Uranus, continuing the series of recent powerful lunations that trigger the forming next installment of the Uranus-Pluto square. A prominent Saturn additionally emphasizes the Earth element. Then, the mutable and mental qualities of Virgo are also reinforced, since Mercury, located in this same sign of...

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