Gemini Horoscope for June 2018

Gemini Horoscope for June 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your month proceeds in two quite distinct phases, Gemini. These first two weeks are concerned with self-definition, and self-development, although with always the echo of other voices to guide you or to contrast. An important part of these communications stems from the unconscious sides of your psyche. After all, your conscious knowledge encircles the expanse of a vast unknown sea of feelings, desires, and inner wounding. This unseen realm is nevertheless, by means of illogical yet poignant intuition, available to your more overt mental function. With Uranus now in your twelfth house, since the middle of last month, you find that your intuition is very powerful indeed, and will tell you true when you allow yourself to open to it. Following the powerful June 13th New Moon in your sign, for the last half of June your conscious mind has greater sway, informed by your excursions through the very depths of your being.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy Birthday month, Gemini! Between roughly May 20th and June 20th each year, we celebrate the divine wisdom of the Twins as the Sun moves through the last sign of Spring, finishing its journey through Gemini on the Summer Solstice of June 21st. This month includes a variety of interesting transits for you, so let’s take a closer look at each one.

Between June 5th and 6th, Venus in Cancer in your second house will be moving through an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth house. This transit features transformation and change in relation to your money and finances, or your material values and resources. You may also be exploring exchanges of values in your relationships or working through an interpersonal challenge related to shared responsibilities or finances.

At nearly the same time, between June 6th and 7th, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Gemini in your first house of self, health, and new beginnings while moving into a square with Neptune in Pisces in your tenth house of career. It’s a great moment to take the lead at work, to initiate a new project, or to project a different, perhaps healthier, image of yourself into the world. At the same time, it’s an easy moment to be misunderstood. As the Sun blazes up in your identity sector you could lose yourself in grandiose imaginings, or you may compare yourself to others in an unhealthy manner. Remember to be careful and discerning in the way that you communicate or present yourself to the world right now and be on the watch for deception and illusion.

On June 13th, the New Moon in Gemini will also land in your first house. At the same time, Mars will conjoin the South Node of the Moon in the ninth house of higher education, religion, and long journeys. This New Moon is deeply personal for you and coincides with a renewal or reinvestment of your energy and attention into your spiritual growth. Mars’ conjunction to the South Node in your ninth house echoes with wisdom from past trials and the learning of lessons that are returning to you now for the purpose of helping you take the next step in your journey.

Between June 14th and 15th, Venus in Leo in your third house of siblings, communication, and the mind, will square Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house of self-undoing, isolation, and ego-dissolution. Relationships may struggle as the need for freedom or change creates some intensity in your communication dynamics. It’s also an easy time to lose your better reasoning because of a momentary lapse in judgment or by following a temporary distraction or temptation. On the other hand, sometimes one must disregard the feelings or values of others to communicate something that is both true and beautiful. You lose the opportunity for change if you never take the risk of communicating to others authentically, and are only ever concerned with how you “sound” or “look.”

On June 15th, Mercury in Cancer in your second house of material possessions, values and finances will also oppose Saturn in Capricorn in your eighth house of death and rebirth, shared resources, or a partner’s finances and values. Once again, this month is very clearly focusing on themes related to money and finances, material desires, lifestyle and possessions, and the balance of power or responsibility in relationships. You may be reorganizing or rethinking your financial strategy right now or considering some new investment or purchase. Just remember, with an opposition between Mercury and Saturn, the mood is inclined to be more conservative, suspicious, analytical, and disciplined. The comments or suggestions you make right now should be solid, well-reasoned and committed for the long-term.

On June 21st the Summer Solstice takes place in your second house of values and resources, connecting these to a process of deep intuition, and additionally brings up issues of how to move forward in your life without undue fear of what is to come. Venus in Leo in your third house of siblings, communication, and the mind, also moves into an opposition with Mars in Aquarius in your ninth house (the nodal axis of the Moon will be included in this opposition, too!). Here we see a focus on your relationships, sexual tension, creativity, and desire playing out in terms of communication and learning, beliefs and traditional wisdom, and following an established path versus thinking for ourselves or doing it on one’s own. Be mindful of the tendency to collapse into extremes right now. Too much independent thinking distracts us from being committed to something bigger than ourselves, but too much tradition kills the growth of our individual spiritual gifts and spiritual nature.

June 23rd Mercury in Cancer is opposing Pluto in Capricorn, yet again emphasizing the themes of money, values, resources, shared assets, death and rebirth, or transformation.

Then on June 25th, Venus in Leo in your third house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. Here you may find that a temporary zone of good luck, abundance, faith, and support lifts your normal routine in the daily grind. You may also find that you are looking for how to be of service to others or that you are finding ways of communicating to others that is healing and uplifting. It’s a great moment to find more in less, or to delight in a spirit of humility. Be especially careful of the pride that comes before a fall. Venus and Jupiter together in these houses can also indicate a false confidence that will eventually deteriorate if it is not put in service to something bigger than ourselves.

Finally, on June 27th, the Full Moon will conjoin Saturn in your 8th house of death and rebirth and shared resources or a partner’s finances, while Mars turns retrograde just one day prior, in your ninth house of religion, belief, higher education, and long journeys. This is an intense moment of transformation for you. Though you are naturally a creature of change, and though you are prone to deep-questioning and mental restlessness, you are being called to return or revisit a depth of wisdom that you hold from the past. You are beginning a long process over the summer months of reconsidering your beliefs and convictions, or you are returning to school or reevaluating your course of studies, or possibly traveling or planning to leave wherever you are to see more of the world. This transformational process, highlighted by this Full Moon, will also, once again, put the spotlight on financial matters, perhaps focusing on your personal values and how those are reflected in your relationships as well as your personal, spiritual beliefs. It’s a big moment, so that you benefit by paying the closest possible attention to everything that is going on within you. We will be revisiting this Mars retrograde for the next few months to come, so stay tuned!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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