Gemini Horoscope for August 2019

Gemini Horoscope for August 2019

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is an interesting one, Gemini, and one that might help you to satisfy your well-known curiosity, with the Leo New Moon that rules it falling in your communications sector, in collusion with Uranus, god of surprising events and unexpected enlightenment. This is also a key timing for relationship developments, although you might find that rather than in conversation, the more profound truths you encounter come to you through your own intuition. Mercury, your ruler, is freshly out of retrograde, and taking the first two weeks of August to recover. You are feeling called to an indistinct sense of mission. This is a dreamy time for you, and an idealistic one, and you will want to pay close attention in any way that you can to your own internal signal system, as revealed in dreams and waking visions. You have an idea of something big looming for you, with plans are still forming. These agendas for a more livable future will take your deepest values more fully into account as they develop.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

August begins just after the New Moon in Leo lands in your third house of communication, the mind, and immediate environment, the previous evening, and just as Sun, Moon, and Venus in Leo are squaring Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house of self-undoing and dissolution, also of inner work. It wouldn’t be surprising for a relationship to suddenly change, for better or worse, given the emphasis on both the goddess of love and the god of sudden disruptions and innovation. At the same time, the month ahead is clearly toned by the need to communicate and express yourself, perhaps through a new technological medium, or perhaps within the context of your friendships or intimate partnerships. With Venus squaring Uranus in the twelfth, you should be careful of the temptation to make sudden or drastic changes in your relationships, which may turn out to be somewhat destructive in the long run.

Late on July 31st, also, or early Thursday, August 1st, Mercury in Cancer in your second house of income and expenditures will also change to direct motion, suggesting a turn for the better if you’ve been struggling or dealing with any setbacks or delays financially, or perhaps in relation to business, contracts, or investments.

Between August 5th and 8th, the Sun and Venus in Leo in your third house will make trines to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your seventh house of relationships. It’s a great time for making beneficial romantic, social, or professional connections, or to find an audience of some kind for any creative projects you are working on.

On August 11th, Mercury will then enter Leo and move into your third house of the mind and communication, just as Uranus is turning retrograde in your twelfth house of self-undoing and dissolution, and just as Jupiter is turning direct in your seventh house of relationships. While the potential for beneficial relationships and ideas comes to mind again with this transit, you should also be careful of moving into relationships too quickly or overestimating the integrity of others. Beware of the promise of something that may be only half-baked, and be especially careful of impatient voices in your head telling you to leap before looking over things carefully.

On August 15th, the Full Moon in Aquarius lands in your ninth house of the higher mind, just as Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. It’s an important time to look at your guiding principles, and to seek out reliable higher laws, beliefs, teachers and guides, or any kind of higher learning that might help you to expand your mind and to move beyond whatever might be limiting you right now, perhaps especially your own impatience, doubts, and lack of trust in a process that is taking longer than you would like.

On August 18th, Mars will then enter Virgo and move into your fourth house of home, family, parents, and property, perhaps pointing to a period of hard work, labor, and productivity, but also, potentially, conflict in relation to your family dynamics or the psychological roots of your psyche.

Between August 23rd and 25th, Venus and Mars will then conjoin in Virgo in your fourth house, while on August 29th, your ruling planet, Mercury, will enter its own sign and exaltation in the fourth house, and then on August 30th, the New Moon in Virgo will also land in your fourth house. This lineup places an undeniable emphasis on home, family, and psychological roots in the weeks ahead. Given that there is a loose T-square being created between Jupiter in your seventh houses of relationships and Neptune in your tenth house of career, you are likely on the brink of a highly transformative period, anchored at the core of your being to concerns about where you feel at home, and more specifically what or who makes you feel at home in how you live your day to day life. Given the emphasis on the earthy and sometimes perfectionistic sign of Virgo, you’ll want to be careful that you don’t place too much pressure on yourself, or the environment, to deliver the perfect situation. Remembering that nothing is perfect, and that in time everything will change, may also help you to make inspiring decisions that are rooted in healthier expectations for your future.

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