Gemini Horoscope for December 2019

Gemini Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of inner versus outer concerns, Gemini, one in which unforgettable alliances are being formed between your ego consciousness and the deeper layers of your psyche. As you indwell on these explorations, aided and abetted by the recent retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, you are paradoxically focused in a major way on polishing your public statement for greater commitment. In this you are informed by your recent journeying into the darker recesses of your psyche. Intuitional knowledge is available to you now that, as you can open to it, gets you further than all your logic and rationality. Evolving patterns of intimate connection are another sign of ongoing metamorphosis; you, like the times, are definitely a-changing. The powerful Full Moon of December 11th, though potentially difficult, is, again, life changing. You are forging your future self during this pivotal month and year, so that you will emerge into January and the new decade as an entirely different person than when you started.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December arrives just after a New Moon in Sagittarius, which for you illuminated your partnerships and the many relationships in your life. We are at the end of a full year of Jupiter transiting in Sagittarius in your house of partnership, directly across from Gemini. In many ways you spent this last year redefining your own philosophies and the ways in which others bring happiness and joy into your life. Confidence-boosting Jupiter in your house of partnership has brought opportunities to clarify within yourself what relating means to you, but more extensively it has allowed for more space and potential to flow into your life via a major change of attitude in connection to other people. Jupiter’s transit in the sign of Sagittarius in the last year has given you a multitude of opportunities to expand your reach and influence. Have a moment of gratitude for the bounties received this year connected to education, philosophy, and overall what has allowed you to GROW beyond the confines of your everyday life and limiting viewpoints which in turn brought new opportunities for growth and fresh perspectives. December will see you busy with contracts, agreements, and partnership matters. Don’t expect to be let off easy on these things. You might find it difficult to find time for yourself in December, as everyone will seem to be requiring something from you.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters the Fire sign of Sagittarius on December 9th, accentuating fast-developing circumstances, increased tempo, and overall a busy time for you, Gemini. You could feel distracted and not ready to deal with all these demands, but you will have to get past the Full Moon in Gemini on December 11th to find some quiet time for yourself. The Full Moon in your sign this month brings attention to your needs and if you have been neglecting them for a while, it will become increasingly obvious that you need to take care of yourself – as no one else will do it for you. The Full Moon in Gemini will also highlight the balance you must maintain within your collaborations to keep everything running smoothly. Since you are an expert juggler, this should not be too hard for you. Just be prepared to be pulled left and right by the many demands made on you at this time, and make sure you give yourself plenty of downtime.

Venus enters Aquarius on December 20th bringing an uplifting vibe to your visions and ideals. All you have to do is step back from your situation to gain some perspective. Allow yourself to have new experiences and get out there and socialize. Discussions with others could bring a totally new outlook but you have to step outside of your usual stomping ground. If you are lucky enough to travel somewhere in the second half of December, your adventures should bring rewarding experiences. Stay open to new possibilities. With Mars in Scorpio for all of December, there is also a need to find proper physical outlets for built-up tension and pro-active ways to manage your stress. Going out and meeting new people, attending a play or a concert could be just what the doctor ordered.

The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn on December 21st signaling Winter up here and Summer down under. Capricorn season this year comes with eclipses and Jupiter’s recent ingress into the sign. This means that wherever Capricorn sits in your chart gets lit up in December. Shared resources and contracts are on the agenda and continue to be a major theme. The need to find some sort of stability and financial independence via your own resources is clearly indicated but you will have to sort through everything that binds you to others and re-define these connections as clearly as possible so that you know what is yours, and what others are bringing to the table. More extensively, you will have to ask yourself if it's worth your time.

On December 25th, a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn will bring new developments in these matters. Perhaps information that you required to make decisions will surface and change a situation. Whichever way you look at it, you will have to contend with circumstances that are out of your control, especially in regards to agreements made with others. This could be the exact medicine needed to finally close the door on a situation or a project that has become time-consuming. The end of 2019 for Gemini folks highlights the need to find more independence, more space, and branch out on projects that are yours alone.

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