Gemini Horoscope for March 2019

Gemini Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your way forward in career and profession continues to be major for you this next month as well as the previous two. There is a mystical overtone to the choices you make, and only that will ultimately appeal to you. You are more aware than ever of the depths of others, and this takes you into greater intimacy with yourself. As you negotiate major changes in your life path, you do well to stay as open as you can to possibility, and to the developing power of your intuition. The potent Pisces New Moon of March 6th has the effect of bringing everything to a new focus. Things get more serious and also more fundamentally interesting, particularly if you are paying maximal attention. With your ruler, Mercury, in retrograde motion, beginning in this same timing, you will be naturally more introspective than usual, and attempting to get to the heart of things. Prospective plans suddenly align to the deeper truth of the matter.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

At the start of the month, Venus in Capricorn in the eighth house of death and other people’s money will square Uranus in Aries in the eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups, bringing a provocative energy into relationships of all kinds. The need to defy tradition or authority, along with the need for greater independence or freedom, will be pronounced during the start of the month, with Venus perfecting its square to Uranus on the first day of the month but then lingering for several days beyond that.

On March 6th the New Moon in Pisces will conjoin with Neptune in your tenth house of career, bringing new dreams and visions, but also the potential for deception or delusion into your professional life for the next lunar cycle to come as your ruling planet Mercury is also turning retrograde in Pisces in your tenth house. At the same time, eccentric Uranus will move into Taurus and enter your twelfth house of dissolution, where it will stay for the next seven years and radically change your consciousness, dissolving old habits and patterns one shocking or unexpected change or epiphany at a time.

Between March 14th and March 20th Mars in Taurus in your twelfth house of dissolution will move through a pair of trines to Saturn and Pluto in your eighth house of death and other people’s money. Watch for themes of debt and forgiveness, sacrifice and selfishness, especially related to money and relationships. It’s a good time to explore what you are bound or obligated to in your relationships and to consider ending or releasing either emotional or material attachments that are no longer serving you.

Then, on March 20th, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Spring Equinox and conjoin Chiron in Aries in your eleventh house of groups and friends while the Full Moon in Libra lands in your fifth house of creativity, initiating a time of healing connections and creative collaborations with new allies or groups of people. Meanwhile, Venus in Aquarius in your ninth house of the higher mind will square Mars in Taurus in the twelfth house by the 21st, suggesting a moment of creative and philosophical dynamism in your relationships.

Between March 24th and April 2nd, your ruling planet, Mercury, will pass through a conjunction to Neptune by retrograde and then again after turning direct in the sign of Pisces in your career house. This is likely to be an enlightening period for you, especially in relation to communication in the workplace, but don’t be surprised if it also forces you to begin dispelling a few fantasies or clearing up some miscommunication along the way. During this same period, on March 26th, Venus will also enter Pisces and move into your career house, bringing blessings, beauty, and good fortune for several weeks to come!

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