Gemini Horoscope for December 2021

Gemini Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting December month for you, Gemini, as the 2021 year grinds to its close and as you are more invested than ever in the influence of important partners. These serve you as a mirror that lets you see not only your external appearance but all that you hold inside. There is a lot going on for you right now, with implications for beliefs and worldview, as well as for allowing your deepest principles to participate more fully in your actions out in the world. You are seeking, these days, a better match between inner and outer, and it does not always come easy. Your reward is to be found by taking the long view, well beyond the current chaos, to your emerging future self. This will involve your intuitive depths fully as much as your surface logic, and the slow process that mimics the dissolving and reconstitution of structure that creates from the creeping caterpillar the butterfly. As a wise man once said: “When confronted with dissolution, that feels like chaos, do not dwell on the chaos but await the birth.”

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins with a Solar Eclipse New Moon late night of the 3rd, in Sagittarius, therefore taking place in the relationship sector of your chart, and is conjunct your ruler, Gemini. This extra-strong New Moon therefore has some to tell you about partnership in your life . During this pivotal month, and beyond, you may find that you have a strong focus on this important area and are looking to better understand its impact upon you. With Uranus also in aspect to the Sun and Moon, you are also being called to use your deep intuition rather than your logical mind in searching for solutions to whatever it is that you feel needs changing within the relationship dynamic. This Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius could signal issues of self-determination versus yielding to the needs of others. This eclipse brings to a close a cycle of eclipses that began in late 2020 on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. This series of eclipses may have brought a new kind of awareness related to your own personal needs versus where you may have been over-extending yourself when it comes to others. You may have had to take more space in the past to focus on your personal objectives, which in turn could have changed pre-existing relationships. In December, you may find yourself returning to issues of partnership connection with greater awareness of your personal boundaries but also of the compromises that are needed to make something work.

You could be able to apply what you’ve been learning in more tangible ways during the second week of December, while Mars in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn from the 5th to the 7th. You may find the greater discipline and focus you need to succeed professionally at this time. There may be a tendency to overextend yourself however as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 7th. If your agreements with others feel murky it might be best to clarify things before proceeding further. Although you may feel motivated to get ahead, your contract and agreements with others may have to be revisited.

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn from the 8th to the 28th is an aspect that will be more or less exact for most of the rest of December – due to the retrograde of Venus within a degree of Pluto – and recurs again briefly in early March. This may bring up power dynamics, especially within your intimate or business partnerships or the need to rethink an arrangement. Your creativity is also likely to be going through deeply transformational changes during this extended period of time.

When the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune on the 12th, confusion or misunderstandings may continue to be highlighted or you may briefly feel an underlying sense of anxiety that is hard to pinpoint.

On Monday the 13th, the third week of December starts with Mars entering Sagittarius and Mercury entering Capricorn emphasizing ongoing dialogues, negotiations, or compromises with others.

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place on the 18th, or early on the 19th, highlighting your relationships versus your own personal needs and desires. This may help clarify what you want and require from others at this time. A process that began over a year ago could be coming to a close at this juncture, and you may be able to integrate a learning experience. In the timing of this Full Moon, Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries as it stations to direct motion, and this may highlight fears or insecurities surrounding groups or your role within a community. It may be time to acknowledge that, even though you don’t know everything, your contribution, skills, and knowledge are deeply appreciated.

If an arrangement or a situation is not sitting right with you it should become obvious during the last 20 days of December. As a part of this, Venus stationing retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th could be signaling the beginning of a revision process that relates to an agreement or an intimate partnership. More extensively, you may feel that your sense of safety or security is challenged by external events and you may have to find better ways to cope with the uncertainty and the anxiety it creates.

Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on the 20th. This aspect could uncover unconscious material, a secret, or new information that helps you understand the source of your worries at this time.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st of December which indicates the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, making it the busiest sign for the next month, highlighting shared resources, contracts and intimate partnerships. The third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes place from the 18th to the 26th. The square between these two planets actually colored the entirety of 2021 symbolizing the tension that we have observed all year between the old and the new. On a personal level, this influence may have highlighted an educational journey that is now opening the way towards new and exciting opportunities. However, with the square from Uranus, you may have had to deal with an incredible amount of stress or pressure without being able to take a break. Now that the year is coming to a close, you may be able to glance back at the progress that you’ve made and also address the stressful factors in your life.

The end of the year arrives with Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion, re-entering your vocational sector until late May. This is a promising transit in the year ahead that could open up new avenues career-wise. You may have an easier time trusting the path ahead which in turn may allow you to see a range of new possibilities emerging. This is not luck per say but more the cumulation of your hard work and your willingness to put in the extra hours to master your skills. You may not be able to see quite yet what that means but have faith that everything will arrive in due time.

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