Gemini Horoscope for January 2021

Gemini Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of trials that will yet yield to triumph if you will allow it, Gemini. In these Covid days, attitude is everything. Life partners, whether in a personal or a business setting, are emphasized. This is so ever since the recent mid-December solar eclipse landed in your relationship sector. Actual intimacy is called for, and is essential for your well being, going forward. As you tune in, you are getting to know yourself in your very depths. In another significant area, you have an idealized conception of your work in the world these days, and will not be satisfied with anything less than a full-on match to your deepest values, and to your growing sense of mission to the community that surrounds you. Your very beliefs are in a cosmic process of adjustment, nearer to your true heart’s desire, and you seek a greater fit between your values and your prospective plans than you are perhaps consciously aware of. Through another contentious month you are finding a basis for your own spiritual evolution in the mirror of your evolving relationship dynamic with important partners.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Gemini and congratulations on having made it through a tough 2020. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is currently in Capricorn, along with the Sun, which brings an emphasis to the area of your life that binds you to other people, whether this is by choice or by obligation. Saturn also has recently escaped Capricorn after two and half years. You’ve worked very hard over this period to gain more independence through structures that might not be your own. It doesn’t mean however that you are totally rid of your commitments and responsibilities to others. Mercury conjuncts Pluto on the 4th and that could bring up some heavy conversations or the more consciousness around a difficult situation. You may find that you must deal with lingering anxieties in connection with a relationship issue. There also could have been changes occurring since the second half of December with the recent Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius shaking up your relationship sector.

Mars leaves the sign of Aries on the 6th after a six-month transit in your social sector which found you reassessing your allegiances and the role you want to play in your community. Mars enters Taurus where it will transit until the beginning of March, reinforcing the need to address some of your unconscious patterns, and the way you are managing your stress.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th, along with Venus entering Capricorn on the same day. Mercury in Aquarius joins Saturn and Jupiter in the part of your chart that relates to education. You may be contemplating a new trajectory in this area of your life. There could be opportunities to expand your skills or learn new ones. There are possible developments related to learning as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on the 11th, and squares Uranus on the 12th. You could have the desire to expand your reach in the world, or to gain more experience in your chosen field. This could be an excellent time to do so while Jupiter is transiting in your vision sector until the end of 2021. 

The first New Moon of the year occurs in Capricorn on January 12th in a conjunction with Pluto. This New Moon brings a powerful rebirth energy and it may be a good time to shed some of the heavy burdens you’ve been carrying. You could feel ready to close the chapter on the hardship and difficulties of this past year and this New Moon offers a potent incentive to do so. Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius on the same day; getting at the roots of your motivations can help clarify your intentions for the year ahead. You may have a great deal of determination to get things done, however you will also want to recognize that success takes time. Patience and perseverance will get you where you want to go.

Uranus in Taurus stations direct on the 14th after a six-month retrograde period. A few days later, on the 17th, Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus, which could indicate a sudden change of pace. New opportunities could arise; however, impatience or restrictions could complicate things. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th while Mars conjuncts Uranus on the 20th. Best to not rush things at this time. Proceed with caution, choosing which opportunities to pursue. It’s a good time for calculated risks but make sure you understand the responsibilities that come with what you are agreeing to. You may be excited about new avenues presenting themselves but the Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd and the 23rd could bring a sobering influence; you may have to contend with a heavier workload or it may be that you need better ways to manage your time in order to get everything done.
You could have a lot on your plate all month, while simultaneously contending with some unforeseen elements.  Establishing a clear strategy at the beginning of the year can help you delineate your objective. Scheduling some downtime may also increase your productivity in the long run. Many factors are competing for your attention as we enter this new year but you want to make sure you begin it on the right foot.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 28th highlights the ways in which you communicate with your entourage. You may be more aware of how social media, the internet and all the information circulating at the moment has a negative impact on your psyche. Or your work could be requiring you to be spending more time online than you would like. The Full Moon is a time of illumination, and it could be the perfect opportunity to evaluate the direction you want to take in the next year when it comes to keeping in touch with others.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th, turning direct on the 20th of February. This introspective time period will give you ample opportunity to align more authentically with your vision and organize your time accordingly.

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