Gemini Horoscope for June 2021

Gemini Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have an amazing month of June ahead of you, Gemini, with your ruler Mercury moving in retrograde motion through your first solar sector of identity and self-definition. You might feel as though you were turned inside out and the trick is not to fight it but instead to allow yourself to benefit from the different point of view that this affords you. You are in an introspective mode and, provided you are brave enough to simply consult it, can trust your native intuition far more than consensus thinking or ordinary logic, which might indeed be failing you.  New energy in terms of career and professional considerations is also available to you, along with the questioning at the core. The solar eclipse in your sign taking place on Thursday, June 10th, brings a fresh burst of awareness concerning everything that you are up to. You are all the while transforming in your approach to life. It is helpful to recognize that life itself is change, and that when you are not seizing upon its flow, you could be missing the tide, and instead languishing in the shallows.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The previous month’s New Moon in Taurus, from mid-May, took place in the part of your chart that deals with your unconscious, and more extensively what is invisible within your psyche or hard to access. As the month of June begins you may find yourself in the process of sorting out your insecurities, rooting out old assumptions about yourself and connecting with a spiritual or mindfulness practice that helps you feel grounded amidst your busy life. You may also be more aware than usual of the patterns and inner-dialogues that sabotage your confidence.

The Sun is now transiting in Gemini which brings a great dose of vitality and awareness to your sign, while your ruler, Mercury, also in your sign, corresponding to your identity sector, is moving backwards there, bringing to you an introspective attitude of questioning who you are and what you are truly up to. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts all month when you take the two weeks of the retrograde shadow into account; Mercury finally straightens out during the first week of July.

Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd, highlighting your finances and your sense of self-worth, also until the end of the month. There could be lucrative opportunities presenting themselves this month but you may also have a propensity to spend more or feel self-indulgent while Venus is in Cancer.

The Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius from the 2nd to the 3rd and brings a supportive influence that could help your progress in your chosen field. Great achievement or recognition for your efforts is possible especially relating to education which could give you a boost of confidence and confirm that you are moving in the right direction.

Mercury is still moving retrograde in the sign of Gemini and squares Neptune from the 4th to the 5th, potentially bringing up some confusion or a misunderstanding at work. It could be that what you are trying to express is not being heard or that a tangled situation that has been dragging on is perhaps taking longer to resolve than expected. There could be important information missing and you may need to get creative with your thinking. Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the same day could bring a challenge connected to your or someone else’s finances. Your sense of security could come up in some ways but thankfully this potent energy could also help you find a solution swiftly.

On June 10th, the Solar Eclipse in your sign takes place while Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun. Eclipses tend to act as important markers and this one relates to your desires and aspirations. This time period could be a significant chapter in your biography indicating a time of coming home to yourself and more extensively of fast-paced evolution. You could be gaining authority or mastery in your chosen field and there may be a lot of opportunities for progress knocking at your door. Learning to prioritize yourself and your goals may feel odd but it will ensure that you seize whatever is presenting itself to you at this time.

Mars entering Leo on the 11th could help fuel a written project by bringing more passion to your communication style in the following weeks. The bold energy of Mars combined with the proud energy of Leo will ensure that your words have weight and gravitas helping you be more direct and convincing. 

The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th which could bring an element of confusion to an otherwise progressive period for you. You may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd, and gets past its lost zodiacal grounds after month’s end, before making a final decision on an important matter. Give yourself some slow-paced space to reflect and integrate what is shifting in your life at this time. You may have to contend with a lot of new elements and it could take a few weeks before a clear picture emerges.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus over this entire month, exact on June 14th. The first of these exact squares took place on February 17th and the final one will occur on December 24th, highlighting some pressure between your inner life and your responsibilities. Uranus transiting in the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious is forcing you to acknowledge your deeper motivations while Saturn in your vision sector is bringing you a glimpse of the dedication required to reach your long-term goals. Your desire for peace and the simple life may be at odds with your most ambitious goals so that trying to find the energy for both rest and success could be more than half the battle this year.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer late evening of the 20th, which signals the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the Solstice while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces bringing an emphasis on your financial or vocational direction. You may be idealizing a certain career trajectory or thinking about opportunities that could help you increase your income. This could be a very fertile and favorable time for things related to your career but Jupiter stationing retrograde in your vocational sector could mean that something on the horizon may take longer than anticipated. Mercury stationing direct in Gemini on the 22nd could eventually help you sort out the forest for the trees and differentiate between opportunities and wishful thinking.

The Full Moon on June 24th brings a culmination relating to intimate partnerships or the resources and support that comes from other people in your life. You might be looking for greater self-sufficiency at this time, or for more clarity relating to what is yours versus what belongs to someone else. Contracts and agreements could come up and it's a good time to sort out your priorities without letting a fear of scarcity dictate your decision. You have everything on your side to help you grow and prosper in the coming months.

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