Gemini Horoscope for March 2021

Gemini Horoscope for March 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of idealistic self-determination and of inner work, Gemini. Mercury, emerging from its recent retrograde, has you thinking and rethinking many things, including your most basic beliefs. These impinge upon the way you put yourself out there, as spiritual warrior for your deepest values. You are being guided in that direction with the Aquarian New Moon energy from last month, and this mid-March New Moon in Pisces, also, but it doesn’t always take. The final outcome of all these cycles is fully up to you, and you alone, to see how far you can go in the direction secretly indicated by your Higher Self. Your intuition is strong right now and tells you true, whenever you can stop to listen. In the second half of the month you are further called to imaginative and idealistic visions of your future. You might find in this timing that you are through with mundane simplicities. The path with heart is the only roadway that entirely appeals to you now.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

There has been a lot of action in Aquarius this past month which for you falls in the Higher Mind sector of your chart that relates to expansion, learning, and travel. The mid-February New Moon in Aquarius that took place in mid-February signaled the beginning of a new cycle for you related to learning or teaching. There is a pioneering energy available right now for new projects and big concepts; ideas that could take you off the beaten path. As the month begins, you are also riding the wave of the recent Virgo Full Moon that was a significant lunation for you, highlighting your home and family sector that takes you inside, in a private way, even as you are also more greatly focused – all this month – on career achievements and goals. Saturn square Uranus was a huge feature of this Full Moon, and to continues to provide a significant background to your quest for achievement this month also. As indicated by the symbolism of Uranus in Taurus, in your twelfth solar sector, this has to include an additional mystical component rising from intuitive depths within you, in order to be fully successful.

On March 3rd, Mars enters your sign, and things may begin to move faster. You will have greater energy and desire to move further ahead, and also may find you have less patience for delays or inefficiency. Mars remains in Gemini all this month and most of next, until April 23rd.

From March 3rd to the 5th, Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius for a third time since January helps you sort out the wheat from the chaff. You may find that you have an easier time assimilating new ideas after a period of trying to sort out confusing information or concepts. You could now be able to integrate these, and it's a good time to broaden your perspectives through learning. If a project was on standby in the last few weeks you could find renewed momentum to get it going.

The Sun meets Neptune in Pisces on the 10th in your career sector which may highlight both idealism and potential deception, or self-deception, or confusion, in connection to your work. You may feel a heightened sense of empathy toward others and feel the need to incorporate more fully a mystical factor in what you do. You might also have a tendency to give more of yourself than you can afford, so make sure you are balanced and also fairly compensated for your efforts. You are motivated by a genuine desire to help, which is a good thing, but could also make you more susceptible to be taken advantage of.

The New Moon in Pisces on the 13th is joined by Venus and Neptune, signaling the beginning of a fresh cycle in your vocational sector. You could have a lot of hopes linked to opportunities happening in your career and it's a very good time to connect to your highest ambitions for yourself. You may have the means now to set yourself on a winning trajectory. Venus and Neptune conjunct the New Moon augurs positive progress in that outer achievement part of your life, and this is especially true if you open yourself to any new possibilities being offered. Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th which will continue to bring a focus on your career and your ambitions over the next few weeks. The sign of Pisces lends imaginative and poetic qualities to Mercury, your ruler, so that you are really feeling it, and you may have to guard yourself against idealizing a situation or a calling. The trick is to be able to discriminate between fantasies and the very real opportunities available to you at this time! And this can bring you closer to your goals.

On March 20th the Sun enters the sign of Aries which marks the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus follows suit on the 21st which aids in shifting the focus to your social sector. If you are part of a community the next few weeks could get busier. You may be asked to participate in a group project or have increased responsibilities within an organization. Mars in your sign trines Saturn in Aquarius at this time, which could help you reach a position of authority. Your skills and can-do attitude are appreciated now, so don’t shy away from showing up with what you’ve got to offer. 

From the 25th to the 27th Mars is conjunct the North Node in Gemini, bringing a good deal of focus to your sign and to positive feelings of how your identity is shifting. You might feel restless to implement changes, as the North Node amplifies the impatient qualities of the red planet. Mars is in part associated with your basic animal nature, your drive, and how your anger is expressed. You could feel more courageous and daring during these few days, and be able to go after what you want more directly. You can also try to direct any excess energy into physical activities which will help you manage these feelings of restlessness that arise.

The Full Moon culminates a few days later on the 28th, shining her light on your self-expression and creativity sector and its outlets in the social sphere. this could be a good time to acknowledge your talents and allow others to celebrate you. With the Sun, Venus, and Chiron closely conjunct these is also the possibility for inner wounding to come to the forefront of your conscious awareness. This is a difficulty, and as well a golden opportunity to heal any insecurities you may feel. Moving these blockages gives you the potentially for greater individuality and for your ability to contribute your unique perspectives to the world around you.

The days surrounding the Full Moon may bring an event that helps you accept yourself more fully without comparing your skills and talents against the ones of others. You could have an opportunity to broadcast your talent and realize that by sharing your passions with the world you are also empowered to teach others how to shine.


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