Gemini Horoscope for October 2021

Gemini Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a wild ride, Gemini, with the ongoing retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, in a prominent sector associated with creative self-expression, and with the powerful and transformative Libra New Moon taking place on October 6th. You are likely to be feeling quite strongly the evolutionary pressure to change in ways that are pleasing to your Higher Self. We feel the pull of the new, and perhaps the pain of the old, but we often hesitate. It is difficult to know how much to trust your intuitional process, which is working overtime for you right now. There is a mystical inner proclivity available to you now, bringing information from your unconscious, perhaps revealed more in dreams than in waking existence. With also the Mercury Retrograde, you are liable to be questioning your very identity, and your career choices, over the course of this somewhat difficult month. It is best not to push the river at this time; go slow. You must somehow decide from your own internal judgment when and if you are right, and then go ahead.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

October begins with three personal planets transiting in Libra, and these are the Sun, Mercury, and Mars. This stellium is fueling the creative sector of your chart, although Mercury is retrograde, meaning that you will simultaneously be questioning certain aspects of what you are up to. Libra is an Air sign just like yours which means you currently have a lot working in your favor. You may be able to think more objectively especially in relation to what inspires you and what you like to do for fun. Your ruling planet Mercury is moving retrograde and comes into a square with Pluto in Capricorn on the 1st. Mercury square Pluto could help you see where you may be over-analyzing a process or how to better streamline your thinking. You are not foreign to circular thought process and although obsessive thinking is possible under such skies, you also have the opportunity to objectively see these patterns and use them to your advantage. Important information may come by strange means and you may get insights into something that had remained hidden until now.

American mythologist and writer Joseph Campbell, who famously declared “Follow your bliss,” wrote: "If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.’’ This quote is particularly apt for you this month as you may find yourself making changes to get closer to learning and working on what you love and loving what you are learning and working on.

The New Moon in Libra takes place on the 6th of September, conjunct Mars, opposed to Chiron, and in aspect with Trickster Uranus. There could therefore be strange events or other surprises, and your intuition is working overtime right now. This also may be your cue to step away from the crowd and set intentions related to what makes your contribution and your perspective unique. The desire to gain social approval could sometimes undermine your confidence but this New Moon signals the beginning of a cycle that relates to your personal creativity and your passions.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th where she will emphasize your partnerships in the following months. You may also have the opportunity to let go of expectations and stale dynamics in connection with what you expect from others as Venus comes into conjunction with the South Node on the 9th. The second weekend of October may contain valuable insights and opportunities to connect more deeply to your passions as Mercury Retrograde comes into conjunction with the Sun. It may also be easier to see who is on your side and support your work.

Progress could be made in relation to an educational trajectory and how you are integrating what you are learning. The opportunity to express yourself in your field of research may present itself especially around the 15th when the Sun in Libra comes into a supportive trine with Jupiter in Aquarius. The Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn from the 15th to the 17th may bring some fears of inadequacy but you have a lot going for yourself right now. You can count on a partner or someone who loves you to provide you with the support you need right now to succeed.

On October 18th, Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius, trine Mars, and Mercury follows suit a few hours later in the sign of Libra, ending the major phase of its retrograde period. You can expect your projects to pick up pace and things may get busier leading to the Full Moon in Aries on the 20th which highlights your role in your community. You may feel less compromising especially when it comes to your area of expertise. If someone challenges your ideas, you may have a harder time biting your tongue. Mars in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn could bring power struggles and strong opinions in your social sphere so choose your words carefully to avoid being taken hostage in a polarizing debate.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, where it brings up the logistical sides of your daily life and work routine in the following weeks. You may lean towards the support of a partner or close collaborator to back you up emotionally at this time especially during the last week of the month.

The pressure of meeting a deadline could be a theme at the end of the month and you may have to ask for help if you want to get everything done and still get a good night of sleep at the end of the day. The Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius at month’s end highlights a tension between your career aspiration and time management and you may have to rethink how much you can do in a day.

October is filled with exciting opportunities to get creative and get out of the beaten path in order to reconnect with your personal trajectory. What you love could be highlighted in a big way this month and the opportunity to combine work and play should be available.

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