Gemini Horoscope for March 2022

Gemini Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month of contrasts, Gemini, and of inner versus outer concerns. You are quite focused on your career and professional life, and this can seem to be at the exclusion of everything else. Yet a closer look at the astrology reveals that relationships in your life are also a powerful factor, as is the secret connection that you have with yourself. Whatever is going on inside you will have its ramifications in outer world events and difficulties. Your personal evolution, which is ongoing, and which has lately had an extreme flowering, is very highly activated this month as well, so that It is important to remember that much of what you are constantly deciding and creating has its hidden component, deep within your psyche. Integrating the intuitional information coming through these relatively unconscious channels is as important your more normally prized mental grasp on things. Your creative self-expression and its resulting societal contribution is in process throughout this March cycle and the trick that you have to take account of is that you match your outer world output with what corresponds to your deepest principles.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

On the second day of March, the New Moon taking place in the sign of Pisces signals a revitalizing cycle of growth with a focus related to your career or calling. Because Jupiter forms a conjunction to the New Moon, an expansive and fertile cycle will be initiated in your professional life. This is a good time to set intentions, and to begin to think about how your future plans as well as you participation in social areas will be affected. Mercury conjunct Saturn in the sign of Aquarius in the New Moon configuration could highlight the efforts you are currently making to refine your knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. You may have been working overtime learning new things that expand your moral and spiritual framework. Uranus in Taurus is in a supportive aspect to the Pisces New Moon, auguring a period of increased intuition and insight that can help you progress in your chosen field. The right amount of labor and passion could yield significant opportunities for career advancement this month. You are also significantly evolving in your understanding of who you are. Mars, Venus, and Pluto, also conjunct in Capricorn at the time of the New Moon, could have the effect of highlighting the considerable support coming from a business partner or an intimate relationship. A close connection that could have been an invaluable and strengthening influence in recent months is even more available to you now, so that you could become aware of important key players that are helping you succeed and transform at this time.

Late on the evening of the 5th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius simultaneously as part of their ongoing conjunction to each other. This first degree of Aquarius is a sensitive point in the zodiac where the significant conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurred in December of 2020. Looking back and reflecting on what was initiated for you about two years ago might therefore help you in arriving at a better awareness of where you are right now. This could relate to an educational process that is now opening up; a whole new world of opportunities could be on the horizon. Mars and Venus are the planets associated with our desires and passions. While these two are transiting in Aquarius, it might feel easier to be completely absorbed or compelled in what you are learning. The advancement that is possible at this time is likely a result of the genuine love you have for a particular topic. Not everyone has the opportunity to find their calling, so it is precious if you can make progress in doing so.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 9th where it will move swiftly across this sign for the next two and a half weeks. Your work and professional life will continue to be highlighted. Mercury in Pisces also calls for discrimination and care in all your dealings. Boundaries could get blurred more easily at this time or you could end up doing overtime. Misunderstandings are also possible especially when the Sun meets Neptune on the 13th and 14th. Mid-month, the devotional influences of Pisces could infuse you with idealism so that questions could arise regarding how much you are willing to give. It may be important to be more deliberate with your energy investments.

The Virgo Full Moon arrives on the 18th highlighting your home life and your psychological roots. If you’ve been overly preoccupied with your work, this Full Moon may call your attention to domestic matters as a balance point. You may have to recalibrate your priorities at work so that you can attend to personal matters on the home front. Some sort of culmination process is taking place regarding family or domestic matters so that it's a good time to take stock. If you’ve been working too hard, this Full Moon may be your opportunity to take a break and relax with your loved ones at home.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the return of the light and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in this same timing could increase your receptivity. The second half of March may find you even busier at work potentially resulting in unexpected elements. The consequent tension may have to be dealt with in this latter part of the month as Venus and Mars also come into a square with Uranus in Taurus. You may experience some anxiety or feel overwhelmed at this time and you may have to be more deliberate with your attention and focus. Exercising caution with the information you consume and your conversations could save you from feeling overwhelmed.

Mercury enters Aries on the 27th, which may gradually shift your focus to community matters in the coming weeks. Then, Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 28th brings a sobering influence which should help structure your thoughts and beliefs at this time. The very end of the month ushers in a surge of new energy that enhances your sense of where to put your focus moving forward.

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